
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound Heart


prince Elijah seems to be cute when it comes to animals... 😂😂😂


Elijah is such a mystery to me.. but for some reason I do not dislike him.. he is captivating me 😆 …. I wonder why he hates Sebastian? Is it that he blames him for something witch, or elder brother related? Thank you for the update!!!


OMG! It was Elijah all along!! Nooo I was hoping he will ship with someone else too!! Like this other Reign men! But animal lover can't be that cruel right? He has soft side too but something must have happened for him to want to torture Sebastian. Maybe Sebastian did something to his lover? I hope not and I hope they reconcile... But poor Elle being used like this.... I just hope she gets better stronger and their relationship to be stronger so nothing can take them down! Show Elijah wats up!! But that's probably a long way to get there. 😮‍💨


Thank you Kazzen for these last several chapters! I hope you are fine or getting better in the past several days as well and things are going better for you! This tale of Sebby and his Elle is so fascinating. I hope their love forms the biggest shield to fight off any evil forces continuing to bombard these sweethearts! May Alex always stay they strongest of allies!!! ❤️❤️❤️


So they where working together what evil is he planning now…. Sebastian and Elle needs to get stronger and their trust needs to get much much much stronger *sigh 😣😣


I think that Elijah is intrigued by Sunshine, but wait til he finds out she also reaches animals... I think he's gonna end up trying to steal her away from our Sebby.


@Chinawa: you still think Elijah is redeemable?!? 🥺😩 I think I just have to hate him.… I am so afraid of his next plot against Elle. It will drive both her and Sebastian crazy 😢


So many little things are going on🤔 First it seems like Elijah has a little crush on his sister in law Elle/Sunshine😬 At Elijah’s birthday party Elijah was very impressed when he first met Elle. Let’s not forget how Elijah reacted when Elle gave him his birthday gift he seemed a little emotional Im still not 💯 sure that Brandon Haze & his goons are working together with Elijah🤔 Elijah could be using Brandon & his goons to get to Elle without Brandon even realizing it the very same way how Elijah is using Elle to get to Sebastian🤔🧐


I figured Elijah had something to do with it . I wonder what happened between him & Seb that he wants Seb to go after him. Why must he put Ellie thru more truma?. plus using Haze & his men?


Wicked Elijah and his schemes 😡 but I wonder if he knew bout Sebastian's de mo nic side?( that of Zeke too?) Did Elijah want to see this side of Sebastian thats why he wanted him to go crazy and berserk? Or making Sebby crazy pushes him back up,next in line to the throne? Is Alex or Alicia aware of Elijah's doing?(at least a gut feel something?) You don't know who you're messing Elijah, big brother Zeke wouldn't like this, he will show no mercy once he find out. Did he have something to do as well with Azy and what happened four years ago that drove the mother and son away from the castle? Would Sebastian know or sense that Elijah is the enemy? I hope our Elle will be okay though 🙏🙏 thankies for the chap💕😘 keep on voting Hellbounders 😎


Oh gosh Elijah working with Haze and Boone. Just why does Elijah hate Sebastian to want to make him suffer. Poor Elle Javi g to be used to get to Sebastian.


So elijah and Brandon and boone are all working together. Hopefully Elle and Sebby become more stronger to beat them all. Also hope they figure it’s Elijah doing. Elijah likes animal very much 🤔


How to hate an animal lover! Elijah must have an interesting background … but I think he is after the crown. The chemistry between Elijah and his bodyguard is so cute ☺️


This chap was so cute 😂👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️ Elijah the crazy cat lady kinda wiggled his way into my heart. Dam it! Stop making me Like you! I’m still against him hurting elle and sebby tho obviously but Elijah is a very interesting character being developed.


I wonder how much he knows about Iza and Brandon. If he's that enthralled with her you'd think he want to kill her tormentors too. It's weird he's reflecting on her hits unless he's counting them as carasses from her. He's the puppeteer behind Brandon and Boone. Makes me wonder how long before Seb realizes he's being lead the wrong way. The thing is Elijah doesn't understand their relationship and the power behind it. Even if Seb snaps and goes bezerk, Iza will be able to pull him back like Abi did for Alex. He'll never get that kinda devotion from Iza 😑😒. He just wants what his brother has


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


See this! I just gifted the story: Magic castle


I’m hoping Seb and Alex finds out it Elijah. How can a brother hate his older brother that was locked away for hundreds of years and tormented. I hope Seb or Alex gets a hold of Boone for him to spill it all


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola