
Comments of chapter undefined of The Heartless King


Believe ......great job


Oh my god👁️👄👁️

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Update? Release chapters? Anythi ?ng


You deserve it! ☺️☺️


Well, my respect for Korbin just dropped a couple of notches but I guess that is palace politics. I'm not mad that he got Meira's sister pregnant; it seems her father used her and Korbin had no real intentions of being with her understanding she was a pawn. What gets me riled up is his need to smear his brothers name and image to Daphne by saying his brother was the one to get her pregnant and then abandon her when if Meira's recallment is correct, it was Korbin who did all that. Was this to ensure Daphne moves on trying to leave his side and reclaim her kingdom? Why is is important for her to forget about Auren to the point that he would pass a deceased woman and baby on his brother than admit he got her pregnant not realizing she took a fertility drug or whatever and he never wanted to be with her but once he got wind she was playing pawn for her dad, he decided to up the anty and make these wild promises he knew he had no intent to keep? I think Daphne would respect him more knowing that then finding out this way especially when he uttered "let's make a baby who can rule both kingdoms." In her mind, children maybe disposable to him seeing he did it to Meira's sister instead of having her get rid of it if he had no intentions of being there for the child. Part of me is hoping there is some oopsie moment and Auren is really the father but everything is pointing to Korbin at the moment and I feel for Daphne because I know they are essentially playing Spy vs. Spy and are "allies" at the moment but this, this can be the deal breaker to call off that alliance especially when she is considering a future with this man.


is the update like once in a week?