
Comments of chapter undefined of Monarch's Rebirth

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so he killed some one for the first time but there's no reaction, weird. also why do they keep calling him young master or master, he's a king. he should be called lord, king, stuff like that.


yea no problem. The story's really interesting so far, was just a little confused while reading. but otherwise keep up the great work.

DivineDoku:Artorius killing and having no reaction will be explained further into the story. Though about the titles I don't really have an excuse. I was thinking of his title shift from young master/master to king and lord would be a gradual shift as he is a newly crowned king. I'm sorry if this wasn't specified anywhere and there are some misconceptions. This is my first time writing a novel which is why I make some mishaps and bad decisions. Thank you for the helpful comment though! It means a lot for you to criticize my work properly and showed me my mistakes.