
Comments of chapter undefined of Touch of Flame


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This is a tough one and I can see his reason. When does one stop? When does one realize now is just time to accept, especially when it comes to terminal illness. When do you know that something is beyond your control and to focus your time and energy on what you can control and make a difference in the time you have left with your loved ones. It is tough to know and none of us truly knows if there is a way or not and I don't know what jasmine plans to do at this point. I truly hope he lives. He is one of a kind and been strong for so long so I can understand that he is tired šŸ„ŗ. Maybe with Nazneen now, some of the burden will be lifted šŸ™

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Ares and Nazneen should mate, that may help him. A lot of emotions in this chapter!

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Ares Donā€™t forget ā€œthe courage to change what can be changed, and the wisdom to know the one from the other.ā€


What a heartbreaking and sad chapter! (both on Ravina and Ares' side) šŸ„ŗšŸ’” But I'm relieved that the truth is all out and that each one of them can be there for each other, for comfort, support and love. I really hope there's still a way to solve all these and that everyone can be happyšŸ™šŸ™ I especially love Ares being a toughie, however accepting of what his fate has become. But that doesn't really mean he'd give up (not just yet, maybe close to- I refuse to believe that) I'm sure he'd take every possible solution there is to be with his loved ones, this family he had embraced and has welcomed him, and of course to be with the love of his life. Jazzy,save Richard and Ares pleasešŸ™šŸ™


The complexity of the characters in this book is truly what makes one deeply attached to them. Each one makes a valid point if you put yourself in their shoes. Each one has their past and pain that led them somewhere or makes them act a certain way. Ravina feels betrayed. Ares was truly the first one she trusted and keeping such secret from her hurts. It can almost feel like he didn't care while from his side you see why he did and you can almost not be angry at any of them. Almost like Malachi and Corinna's confrontation. You understand both. Nazneen is hurt so I know right now her anger is speaking for her. It is a lot to take and Ares has for a while now coming to the conclusion that there is no way out. Another painful revelation. My heart hurts for all these characters. Malachi and Ephraim must also feel helpless to see their breedmates like that šŸ’”šŸ’” Heartbreaking chapter but at least we are one step further


Please let a miracle be out thereā€¦ He has given up his chance at longer life on the sea to be with those he loves. And where he can help make peace between dragons and humansā€¦ itā€™s just so heartbreaking. I am glad he finally told Nazneen; but she wonā€™t want to live without him. šŸ’”


There must be a cure for Ares. There must be!! Ares has put the needs of others above his own. He must live and not die!


I hope Ares doesnā€™t have to face his illness/death alone. I also hope Nazneen will step up and support Ares. I bet Ares feels a heavy burden lifted after keeping his secret from Nazneen. Iā€™m glad heā€™s choosing to confront his demons and took action to not make the same mistake he made with Ravina.


Ares words to Nazneen about his death are both deep and compelling. Hopefully, she finds it in her heart to forgive quickly whilst they both continue searching for a cure.


I really hope there is a way to fix that! He canā€˜t just die šŸ˜”


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


So I keep thinking about the witch at the trials somehow weaving into all of this and fixing/hur thin something.


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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I keep thinking that if they were to mate, that it would heal him. I don't know why they haven't at least discussed that. If royal dragon blood can possibly save Richard, it might save Ares, too. He's had some of Nazneen's blood twice but not a lot either time. I think if she marks him, that it will heal the damaged parts of his body. I think it's worth a shot.


I glad ravina found her sister and now her dad I glad aries findly told her the truth about her dad


But please dont let aries and the king to die let them find a cure


Poor naz but she is right aries need to fight hard with everybody around can find some thing that will help