
Comments of chapter undefined of Touch of Flame


These priests are like Chanan I believe. They are not involved in politics and just like Chanan want to work with tamers to bring peace. Chanan is with the black dragons but it doesn't means he participates in their politics so I don't think these priests has anything to do with the attack. If they want peace and are looking for a tamer is see no reason why they would attack a king and his human breedmate who could help in their conquest.


we can say that or maybe they want him to be on thier side as he is powerful for future purposes.


Many interesting new facts and speculations. The first thing I would say is that I don't doubt he is a dragon tamer. Remember the experiment is working rather well on him from what Richard said. The only survivor of the first tests and from what we learned breedmate blood is more compatible. So it only makes sense that he is a breedmate and from hearing the wrong dragon tamer, he felt familiar with it. Now we know different clans have different rulers, so when they speak of the throne don't think it is Malachi's. Ephraim's father ruled the silver dragons so different rulers for the clans. Malachi is overall king because his clan is biggest and strongest containing the most purebred dragons. It will be interesting to have a male dragon tamer, now taming the female. Sounds very interesting so far and I want to know why the mate was cursed and chained and the whole backstory. I see Ephraim, Ares and Malachi bringing humans, dragons and half dragons together, with the help of their mates šŸ˜


Ok this is a lot of crazy new information and Iā€™m so curious as to what will come next! šŸ˜³ I had thought his dreams about a tamer pertained to Ravina but apparently it had something to do with him. And he is a breedmate to a Royal just like Ravina and her sister! With Ares and Ravina both being tamers do we think they will be able to negotiate peace amongst the dragons and her father the King? šŸ¤” So much more information is needed šŸ˜‰


I do not like this development especially after knowing the white dragons tried to kill Ravina. I feel like they are using Ares


So will Malachi come to avenge Ravinaā€™s attack and run across Ares? Or is he hidden away on this temple area? I need to reread this chapter a few times to absorb.


It sounds like Ares is more than just a dragon tamer, but can control the dragons. He has to save the queen of the white dragons and help her get her thrown back. So at the moment who ever took the thrown from this queen is who attacked Ravina and Malachi because he doesn't want peace with the humans. Maybe Ares and his breedmate, Malachi and Ravina, Ephraim and Corrina will all come together to get rid of the dragons and or humans creating the problems and find peace for all their people. Right now we have two dragon tamers and a dragon slayer.


Okay! Ravina is the breedmate of black dragon of royal blood and Ares is the breedmate of a white dragon of royal blood. I find this fact to be very interesting.


had it been the real owner of the throne, (the Katharos princess) the white dragons would not have attacked Kai and Ravina?or these are different white dragons that attacked? what memory does Ares have to unlock? him not knowing his parents,xl is it possible he is from the white dragon clan? how would he tame and release the cursed princess? would he be the key to being allies with the blacks? or seeing Ravina with Malachi and co., tr igger the memories? so many questions, I'm not sure if I'm on the right track.šŸ˜… tack JazzyšŸ’•


So the universe wants peace between the humans and dragons.


I have been wondering when and where Ares would reappear. My wondering never brought me to the current scenario. Itā€™s an intrigue; a mystery challenging us to discover how to put the pieces together and solve the puzzle. ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§šŸ¤”šŸ˜¬


the first thing came to my mind when I've read the first line (Naughty Jasmine) she knows we are dying to know what happened with kai and Ravina šŸ˜‚ and she took us somewhere else to fuel our curiosity


Do we get a 2nd update today? I know this side of the story has to be developed but iā€™ anxious about leaving Malachi and Ravina. and their pending war.


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


Well, that was a surprise. Ares a dragon tamer. Didnā€™t see that coming. If these are the White dragons that attached Ravania and Malchi and Ravannia is suppose to be a dragon tamerā€¦.then could this be a trick of the white dragons? Great twist Jaz!


ok, now WHAT??? All of the sudden, Ares is back in the limelight and a dragon tamer??? And I thought the only thing that made him part dragon was his blood transfusion...now we find out that he is not even human, possibly dragon, or even something else??? This chapter has left SOOO MANY QUESTIONS!!! And I think I'm going to start hailing the Queen of Cliffhangers, Jasmine, you're too much,lol:) What next, will you switch to Corrina's POV...I think you are going to make us beg to go back to Ravina and Malachi's steamy situation!!!


Ares just took Ravinas job šŸ˜«šŸ˜« well now they are probably going to cone face to face in the battle field. Hopefully as ally.


Thatā€™s very interesting


While terracing I discovered, this is before the attack on Ravina. He said he left Richard and been traveling 2 days. That could only be as far as Richard would be taken to Ephraim with Darcy.