
Comments of chapter undefined of Touch of Flame

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So I have a question, how many days has it been since Ravina came with Malachi ? IVe lost track.


Bonuses to spoil you in return for spoiling me. We also reached Golden ticket ranking 3 thanks to all of you who voted šŸ„°šŸ’—. Let me know if you prefer the 5 chapters as a mass release or if you want more days with 2 or 3 chapters. Thank you again šŸ’– šŸ’•

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I would prefer the chapters spread out. If you posted five, I would read them all at once and then suffer the rest of the week. I am thinking of my mental welfare, lol. Love reading this book.


I loved seeing this side of Saul. Baby steps... You can see how much he cares even if he pretends not to.


Yes Saul, she understands her presence is dangerous but if anything, she proved her merit. If she can learn and adapt that not all dragons are the enemy (and she lost a lot just like you) than I think it's time to put on your big boy scales and accept she makes Malachi happy and in turn he makes her happy and she is not like the humans who took your wife and child.


I havenā€™t given up on Saul. Now I just need Malachi to wake up!!


God šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ Thank you so much for the chapters šŸ˜­ā¤ļø I am always wanting more and this was the best surprise! I cant wait for Malachai to wake. I hope they enjoy getting much closer and basking in each other before he takes off to kill evil dragons


also, I hope Ravina kisses Malachi, or at least hug him, when he wakes up


Wohoo!! I am soo loving this. I said once that I look forward to this friendship so much. It is slowly happening. Saul is showing his soft side. I know it might take time but I am excited. Now for Malachi to wake up!


The redeeming grace of Saul. Excellent baby steps slowly surrendering to what is best for his brother.

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i was just pondering on how i could deal with reading this novel so slowly and then saw the new updates. Thank you, Jasmine for understanding our anxiety over these characters you have made come alive with your heart and talent. i can and have imagined Ravina lying with Malachi staying in his bed so he knows on some level she is there. I can imagine him appreciating it as he did when he grabbed her wrist but after that i like YOUR telling us about it. Iā€™m a reader who doesnā€™ put a book down until the last page, so this is really hard for me to be so obsessed with Malachi and Ravina taking over my life when i only have 2-3 good hours a day. iā€™l take it as the majority wants it as long as it isnā€™t just one short chapter a day. šŸ˜… iā€™m so happy with your new success. i wish i could do more. A few other writers may seem more successful but they donā€™t measure up.


anybody else think of Saul as the Grinch?! Looks like his heart grew 3 sizes over the last chapters. But really, of all the brothers, he's the only one who understands the pull of the bond and the pain when this bond is severed. You'd think, knowing now that Malachi is allowing this bond to grow, that he wouldnā€™t wish the pain of losing his breedmate on his brother. also, could it have been the white dragons that destroyed the peelers?!


Great chapters Jasmine šŸ„° Iā€˜m loving the newer sides we have been seeing to these characters ā¤ļø Ok Ravina, now you need to sleep in Malachiā€™s bed so that he can heal faster and you can sleep without nightmares. You both seem to have the best sleep when you are in the same bed together šŸ˜‰šŸ„° Saul, I guess small progress is better than no progress. Iā€™m happy to see all of Malachiā€™s family worried about her and taking care of her too. Even if some of them are only doing it out of worry about how Malachi will react when he sees her injured, it is good that she still has some support. I feel like reuniting these sisters and their breedmate dragons is going to be key to working out this whole crazy war between dragons and humans. šŸ¤”šŸ§ Thanks again for the update ā¤ļøā¤ļø

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Thank Jasmine! I donā€™ care how you release them as long as I can keep reading this book! I love your writing!!

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Yes more of the 2-3 daily Iā€™ll give you all my golden tickets šŸ™ŒšŸ»


I can imagine Ravina giving Malachi a kiss at least on his cheek when she will stay alone with him and watching him while he is healing. ā™„ļø


I am glad that Saul is finally starting to calm down some and he actually helped Ravina so she didn't fall and is watching out for her. I am glad that Saul witnessed Ravina staying by Malachi at the risk of her own life


More days with 2 or 3 chapters šŸ™ please.


I love the 2-3 chapters daily personally ā¤ļø

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See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair

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Tragedies can sometime bring two people at odds with each other (Ravina & Saul). Tragedies can also strengthen the existing bond between two individuals (Ravina & Malachi).