
Comments of chapter undefined of Touch of Flame


so his name is ephriam, that sounds nice and from the description i think he's more handsome than malachi!! things will me much easier for us when it comes to this two compared to ravina and malachi as they are already attracted to each other and also take action.

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Oh WOW!! We have a fiery dragon and a smokin' (hot) dragon. Relieved he didn't say it was a mistake but I am sure they will have their obstacles when she learns more about breedmates. She doesn't seem to understand the pull. Let's wait and see but the tension between them is palpable. The Phantom is also very considerate of her regarding her traumas which gives him plus points. I definitely like him so far. Darcy is of course different with her man. This sister was saved by her man, the other terrorized by him so the acceptance and development will be different naturally.

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There are to many male lovers in this story!! My heart can’t take it , I can’t choose! Which ones you like so far ???!!!

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He had wanted to be with her since the day he saved her. Wow. We know from Corinna pov that we are talking about YEARS since he saved her. So are they really faster than Kai and Vina? I am sure if he made a move right after her trauma things wouldn't be as smooth. He waited, kept his distance, gave her time and space to heal and good people to keep her company. From the distance her feelings grew from gratitude to getting to know him a little and growing to admire him and being curious about him. So it took a lot of time. He also had time to deal and resist his own feelings and know it is useless. Sounds similar to me. We have just not followed them through all those years.

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We need to vote!!! The book went up to NO.6 It was at 5 before?!?? Let’ s cast our votes!!!

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Need to see a pic of him please please please 🖤🖤🖤

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what a sweet chapter!! I hope at least for one dragon/sister couple it all goes smoothly. it's enough that Ravina and Malachi struggle with their feelings. I'm sure there will be challenges for Corrina and Ephraim too but I hope they face them together as a couple

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You know what Jasmine, in HOD I asked where the demons are hiding in our world but you know I would be just as fine to meet dragons too or any other creature as long as they are that hot and mature and seductive and sincere! 😂😂😂


what an awesome chapter! she is nothing like Ravina at all. I know Ravina was hurt by seeing her mom, dad and sister dead or so she thought. But I hope both girls get to see each other and Corinna help Ravina see that love isn't bad like she thinks.


what a sweet chapter!😍😍Ephraim and Darcy(Corrina)- their feelings are mutual❤️ tack jazzy💕


Hot all that kissing… Am Glad he didn’t push her away..


Wow 🤩! So Corrina must be Ephraim’s breedmate 🥰. Ravina will be happy to know that her sister is safe and with the love of her life. They are a perfect example that love prevails breeds. Come on Ravina, open you heart to Malachi.




I am finding it interesting because of the differences between the sisters and their breedmate. I am glad I was wrong on who the phantom is. Will the sisters and their breedmates meet soon? I would love to see them find happiness and peace. Now to learn more about this Ephraim. Is he also a king of a different dragon clan? Is he possibly born from one of the dragon tamers? Will Malachi and Ephraim team up to save the humans and create peace between the humans and dragons? It's really an intriguing story. Definitely a favorite for me.


One sister lost her memory so was spared the pain of heartbreak and guilt observing the death of loved ones. The other remained traumatised by what she observed. I hope Corrina and Ravina will meet soon, so that Ravina will be unshackled by the deep grief lodged within her. Maybe Malachi and Ephraim will team up to fight the renegade dragons attacking the humans villages. Now that would be awesome. Full blooded dragon and a mixed heritage dragon teaming up together. They both have human mates so there’s a vested interest in bringing about peace. Their father’s dream will be realised. Richard, I hope you live to witness your vision become a reality.


Maybe these 2 will eventually help Ravina and Malachi?


Aww, Corinna found her mate. I think that’s why he saved her. Is Ephraim the son of the previous clan?


I have been smiling through out this chapter, something between gentle and sad smile, never mind though. But am glad that she share's something in common with her sister which is having dragon mate and together they will conquer this war between the two race.


I’m so excited to have met Ephraim! I hope Darrina’s response to his question is a resounding yes! I do wonder his past and what all the complications will be. But excited for this bond to continue to form. 🥰


How much for an extra chapter Jazzy??? 😍😍😍