
Comments of chapter undefined of Touch of Flame


wow I'm speechless, so it was her uncle that died with their mother and sister too missing , what will she do if she got to know the truth . that means her father is with her uncles wife

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Dang the reveals on this chapter!!!😱🤯😱 So the King is actually Ravina's father and not the uncle that she knew?🤔 (but how did it come to that? why didn't he reveal much earlier before that attack that he was Ravina's father?) was it to protect her from harm? was it because of the inventions? Was the sister she's trying to look for her sister or just her cousin? Will he have it remain a secret that he is Ravina's father? And about Ares, I'm heartbroken for him, he's fallen in love with someone but knew in his heart that he can't have her fully, but he's still thinking of what he can do to protect her🥺💔I guess he never really planned to fall in love but eventually did. And he's a dragon tamer too? that's why the word kept ringing in his head🤔 Well done Jazzy, these are totally unexpected👏👍Thank you🥰

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WOW!! That was a twist I did not expect and I am sure no one did with all the theories of her uncle having bad intentions. WHAT!!!! This is so sad and so twisted. I am speechless. So there is more to Ares? He is a dragon tamers? The dragon tamer? So much in this little chapter. wow.


My poor brain is having a hard time processing all the information in this chapter😅


Hmm uncle is really her dad- so like the guy who died wasnt ever her father OR did her dad do some sort of switcheroo and pretend he died? Or was this guy always her “uncle” but biologically her father the whole time? I feel like I need to reread this chapter to decode that part lol. Also ares is TOTALLY in a dream sequence with his breedmate. He is going to also be a dragon tamer I just know it

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Great chapter Jas, thank you 💕💕


wow Uncle is father😮 and Ares is dragon Tamer. does this mean he is someone's breedmate too? so many reveals


At this point I have nothing to say than to take my hat off for Jasmine. My God!!! ❤❤❤ You. Are. AMAZING!!!!!

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Wait what??? Don't tell me that Ares is a mate to another female dragon???😯😯😯😯😯 Oh Jasmine! You're going to kill me with your excellence. Twist of fate😁😁😁😁 Twist of flame.


Now I know why I thought the ‘uncle’ was shady!!!! Major plot twist!!!! Mwah! Perfecto!


Soooo he is her father!!!! Wow I was not expecting this! Now I am more intrigued

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What a jaw dropping chapater!!! I am truly floored, all I can say is 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Jasmine you never disappoint! So after all that…. I am still shocked that Ravina’s father allowed the only person who could protect her participate in his experiment, especially knowing that no one had survived yet. Although we are all thinking that Ares will indeed survive. And NOW - oh em gee is Ares actually a male breedmate??? Is that dream prophetic or has he seen ir heard the woman in his past…. And that is why he heard that term before??? AND - this king who’s heart is so hard - He thinks one daughter is already suffering in dragon captivity. What will he do when Ravina leaves with Malachi??

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An extraordinary chapter for me; loving the twists. Thanks a bunch, dear Jasmine 🥰💖💞


The content of this chapter blew my mind. Much of what I believed to be true, I found not to be true at all. Jasmine has done an exceptional job of pulling us, the readers, into a reality that never existed. Regardless of the outcome of this contest, Jasmine is the winner. I will reread this chapter at least once to make certain I get the facts straight. I am enjoying reading this novel, “Touch of Flame”, more with each chapter that is released. Ares’ dream was literally and figuratively out of this world. I can hardly wait for his next move to be revealed. Lady Jasmine, you must release another chapter of this novel today. You must!!


Interesting chapter

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I’m speechless


Wow Bombshell!!! Did not see that coming. Maybe the one who was in the carriage was her uncle… And her father decided to prentend it was him because he wants to avenge his wife and daughter..


I have been thinking, the woman at the end said "We have been waiting for you" not "I have been waiting..".

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Thank you for the chapter author. Poor Ares. I feel his pain and that's a plot twist I didn't see coming for the uncle who is her dad and Ares is a dragon tamer too. He's in a dream sequence with his dragon. I did ship Ares with Ravina.

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wow jasmine wow😲