
Comments of chapter undefined of Touch of Flame


I hope not, but is it possible Ares knows Corinna is dead or is somehow responsible for it? This would be the only thing I could see Ravina ending her life over. She was willing to let her sister go when Ares asked if he found Corinna and she wanted to stay with the dragons. I think if this is the case the King is even in the dark of it.


It was so good to get Ares POV He shares so many of Ravina’s feelings, no wonder there is a connection between them. A connection that they both feel and both to a degree deny. And he knows so much about her - but why would his secret make her want to end her life? Do they already know she and her sister are nreedmates? Is there some other sortnof intimate connection like a prophesy or connection to the dragons that would make her want to end her life if she discovered That is a very dramatic statement to make, it must be a huge thing. And now Malachi knows something is up between them - his body hates it even though his brain tries to not care. What else does he have for Ares??


I am sort of loving Malachi’s jealousy… What will happen when he finds out Ravina will marry him and leave the castle?!


the plot thickens! trying to enhance men using dragon blood? also, I wonder if malachi is going to casually mention that he smells of the princess that visits him and wonders what others will think of that if they found out? 🤔


So, what is the truth? What would devastate her so much Ares thinks she would take her life? Where are the other test subjects. Why would the king and Ares…and possibly her father risk their lives testing something that, as of yet hasn’t been successful? What does the king and Ares know about her sister? My thoughts are, she will go with Ares, learn the truth, but she will be so angry, and not so devastated to take her life. But, she will turn to Malachi instead. I just don’t know if her anger will be all encompassing, meaning she wants revenge against all. I think at first, but as she journeys to truth she will find someone she can, eventually trust in Malachi. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sometimes, I think too much… I do love books that make me do that! ❤️


Hummm!!!I don't like her the king and Ares are keeping this poor girl in the dark knowing how broken she would be on learning the truth. Mal is beginning to open up to Rav whether he likes it or not, the breedmate bond is getting stronger and more difficult to fight... he's gonna succumb soon😂😂😂 he's all possessive and wants to strangle Ares for being near her😂😂😂the clash btw these two males is going to be exquisite😍😍😍😍


If Steele accidentally gets too close in proximity to Malachi, he likely will be in danger of losing his life. Malachi does not want any male close to the Princess. Let’s see how Malachi responds to Ravina during her next visit with him. I am expecting a very interested and possibly conversation.

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ohh Malachi's jealous and its gonna make him lose his mind🤭😅 are breedmates supposed to be that possessive with their other half? Does Malachi smell only Ravina's scent in Ares? how about the dragons blood that's injected to Ares?( would it not be noticeable if it's too little?-i wouldn't know how much blood is injected on the experimental subjects) So I'm thinking, there could be changes on him (uncle included) being the experimental subjects but won't really transform into a dragon, but what changes are we supposed to see? strength, power, behavior,skin changes but not to full extent(?) Considering Uncle's knowing about Ravina's inquiries with regards to the prisoner, and her other reads, would he have considered that idea that Ravina could be Malachi's breedmate? And is there something in Ravina's existence we don't know about? Like a hidden mystery revolving her and her sister? What if Ravina and Corrina aren't real daughters of the previous king?What if the King(Ravina's father) took them away from their real parents? What if Ravina and Corrina are half dragons? (but then Malachi should have sense the dragons blood if she is- but he thinks of her as 'human' only) So maybe she is purely human.🤔 thanks for the chap,Jazzy💕


why is it so difficult to dislike any male lead ? you know I wanted to dislike ares coz he is the second male lead but how do I dislike him, then I cannot dislike Malachi ofcourse because I love Dragons and how possessive they are, I feel like asking how all this is gonna end , am not a spoiler though,😅, I just feel like am in some dark room 😂😂

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I wonder what Ares would do when he founds out the reason behind Malachi s'hostility towards him. I wonder what Ravinas'uncle would do when he founds out about the two men true feelings. I wonder to what extent will Ares and Malachi fight for their love. I wonder who Ravina s' cold heart is going to finally choose. This is going to be a WAR OF FLAME 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Great chapter, thank you author ❤️ I can’t wait to read more ☺️


ooooh! so they are using dragon blood as some kind of infusion, presumably to enhance them physically. I reckon Malachi will smell it on Ares and tell ravina!

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Part 2 It isn’t that I revel on love triangles, or I am attracted to polygamy but this inclination toward an exclusivity so absolute that doesn't allow for other types of interactions or characters to develop and with our ability to even see them... well... I find it unnecessary. It is what makes us stay with a person and not another what interests me but that doesn’t mean we may not share a bond with the second person, or he/she has to be bad. After all, it is through our relationships with others, romantic or not how we learn about ourselves. Anyway, loved Are’s behaviour with Ravina, her boldness her fragility, the moment they shared, the conflict he seems to be having. The mysteries that keep piling up and the new discoveries. Her father wanted Ares to marry her and he surely seems to have a lot of respect for the man and for her uncle. They are all mission focused and the mission, eradicating the dragons, is the most important thing to all. To a point that though they both care about Ravina in different ways, one as his niece and the other as a promise and attraction and challenge that is evolving into something else, the mission so far remains first even if in Ares case it would leave her unprotected in the case of his death... Super, super interesting. And of course... who wouldn’t enjoy poor Malachi dying of jealousy down there? Anyway, thank you Jasmine. I am laughing this past 2 chapters because I started liking and wanting to like Ares from the start as I am wired like that, to suspecting something fishy since you were trying to make us like him. Then came the secret talking and the lab etc and so I said... ok. Something’s definitely up although I hadn’t decided to give him a full villain t-shirt yet. Now we are back to good even if he has a secret which he can’t share yet not denies . But you know what? I don’t care anymore. I think I’ll like him even if he becomes a villain further ahead when Ravina leaves with Malachi or if his turning or whatever goes bad. I like him as a character and between us, that is just as important. I love good characters whether they are villains or not. In stories of course! In real life, I really hope we had more good ones as the world... Anyway, this got too long. Thanks for the chapters and have a good Sunday 😊💕💕


Poor Kai as if the physical torture is not enough now here comes the mental one I have to say i like me a jealous Kai but i can just imagine all the scenarios going through his head I love that Ares POV was incorporated into the story because its really giving a new perspective and dear Jazzy I name you queen 👑 of the unpredictable every time I break my head trying to come up with a theory the story takes an unpredictable turn, therefore i will stop breaking my head and will just enjoy the ride like always you are sooooo amazing and talented!!!!! ❤️


I'm relieved Ares likes Ravina. no matter the secret at least he's honest about his feelings. i wonder what is the secret will cause Ravina end her life. is it about her father? was him among the first test subjects, was that why dragons targeted him? i'm still not sure about Uncle. he seems like he doesn't care what Ravina feels. maybe it's becuz he's mission focused but idk. and Malachi is jealous. it's good he finally learns about Ares. i hope he tell they are going to marry too and let the drama begin