
Comments of chapter undefined of Touch of Flame


I'm wondering if maybe ares himself is a dragon????


I wonder if they’re really Malachi’s dragons or if they work for the uncle and Ares. Maybe Ravina’s father wanted peace but not the uncle 🤔


Why do i have a feeling that Kai will find the strength to escape and come to her rescue 🤔as much as he denies her as his breedmate I am sure he can feel that she is in danger. Here goes my theory: I think the uncle sent a letter to the dragons through Ares with a plan for the attack written in their language and the language cant be easily deciphered because it belongs to a different group of dragons 🐉 as far as the glass she heard fumbling when Ares and the uncle went into laboratory, it was probably some sort of protection against their inventions so that the dragons 🐉 wont be affected easily or badly The reason behind it all may be that the uncle wants the people to keep believing that the dragons are the cause for war, he wants power and wants to be praised and remembered as a king that cared and fought for his people but he is the opposite he probably killed his brother the former king (vinas father) because they were catching up to his shady deals, he pretends to love Vina as his own because of guilt not because he loved his brother, for some people power/control is thicker than blood. Ares fits right in the middle of the brothers, at one point he was close to Vina’s father he probably fed them both information about each other and eventually betrayed him (vina’s dad) now he seems close to the uncle he must be getting something out of it all he definitely has a hidden agenda that benefits him on the long run I find it odd that he was a pirate yet they wholeheartedly trusted him, in that era pirates were seen as deceiving so he must have offered very good information in order to gain their trust. Again, this is just my theory i may be totally wrong


My poor heart is pounding, what a cliffhanger 😱


OOoh No Jasmine please don’ t leave us like these. The suspense is killing me.


did the dragon have the signal to come for Ravina? Will the dragon take her! will someone save her? what about the language Malachi wrote? nail biting cliffhanger 😬 thanks for the chapter Jazzy💕


Bow down to @JasmineJosef, Queen of Cliffhangers.


I wonder if the dragon that is front of Ravina sees her resemblance to her sister, Corrina.

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Can they sense she is a breedmate to the king?


Who is going to save her? I have a feeling Ares will show up in the nic of time. What better way to get her attracted to him and get her trust. If he has any thoughts that she is Malachi's breedmate and of controlling her so he can possibly control Malachi 😏 .....


Glad I took my blood pressure medicine before reading! Poor Ravina reliving her past while trying to save others. Her reputation of being cold hearted is just the wall she built, not only would she do anything for her sister, but she is risking her life to protect villagers she doesn’t know. I think her invention will stop this dragon from another soldier or perhaps as another reader suggested from Ares. I’m wondering what the word/name Ravina saw on the paper means. I wonder if she would be able to duplicate the symbols by memory or be able to get another look at it, and ask Malachi.


Why are they targeting her?! Do they know something about her?


Oh gods! 😱


Oh come on! I mean obviously it’s not the end seeing as the story is just starting. But man, that’s such a major cliffhanger!




was this planned by Ares and uncle?! "Can they be trusted?" were they talking about this gang of dragons? "she won't be in danger" they knew Ravina was going to be there.... Omg, what can they possibly be plotting?! it's clear to me that different dragon clans have different ethics and I can totally see some of them doing business with the human king. would Malachi sense her distress?! I'm not sure, they haven't bonded at all. would he be able to escape and save her or will Ares step in, helping him score points with her while deepening the hatred she holds for Malachi (these are black dragons, "King Malachi's people" she called them). Ugh, Jasmine, this is so intriguing and torturous. can't wait till tomorrow


The dragons are zoned in on Ravina for a reason. I hope that Malachi senses that she's in danger and escapes to save her. This is so exciting. Well done, Jasmine ❤️🔥


so this is the place where malachi will come and save her then kidnap her to his own kingdom, hmm i love that!! but am curious as to what will happen next!!


No you can’t stop here!!! More please!!!!


i love everyone comments


Will Malachi sense his breed mate in danger an escape???