
Comments of chapter undefined of Touch of Flame


Perhaps he drinks dragon’s blood to keep him young.

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Well, I don’t know what Lord Steele has done in the past (did he betray her father, interfere with the peace?) or what he will do in the future (that’s easier to predict from how things are going now: If he wants her he may end up with a wounded pride once she leaves him etc) but for the time being, unless he is taking her to a more secluded place to behave in a not gentleman-like way, I can’t bring myself to dislike him...He’s a smart, interesting man who is attentive, respectful and seductive in a good way and seems to like her for her. I could care less that he’s 40 and 13 years older than her, I really don’t find it necessary for a couple to be the exact same age... Now, about his secret... that is interesting. That he would not tell her before getting married... well, it’s difficult to express my opinion without knowing what it entails. Is it because he needs to protect himself or is it because he thinks she wouldn’t accept him if she knew? Is it something that he will share with her but isn’t supposed to unless there is a bond? Without more information it really is too soon to tell. For the time being, Jasmine, this is great. I mean having the FL like and/or desire another man before getting together with the ML is almost subversive and I like it. As I see it Ravina is understanding what goes on a purely physical level and that is interesting. We never get FLs who may develop a physical attraction just like men. And I think it makes sense. The more we deprive ourselves of warm and contact, the more our body acts on its own... She’s been frozen for so long and so in her own world that the sudden contact is like gun powder. It is deafening and chaotic but doesn’t run deep or last long. Not that it couldn’t should they get married. But there is a dragon out there who is her mate so we know it can’t go that way...The road from confusion to be able to discern her feelings and what is what with each of the men will be just as interesting as her road to be able to see past hate.

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I am all for Malachi. It hurts that he won’t be her first but I am sure she won’t be his first so why not?? It doesn’t surprise me that the kiss made her feel that way. It shows that deep inside she yearns for warmth. She wants it but doesn’t allow herself. Now that she was given that warmth she realizes how much it was missing in her life. Also she might need this awakening since Malachi is in chains and won’t be able to do anything to make her realize she is capable of those feelings. You can’t know until you try.

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I am truly loving this story so far!! What a fun twist that she has a suitor, of her chosing, and discovering that contrary to her belief she is not frozen inside and out. That it has simply been too long that she has had only herself for comfort, and she had no idea that this sort of feeling was possible for her. I know slots Steele has secrets… But I am loving this self discovery for her, and that they are getting to know each other better. And of course this new self discovery also allows her to bring all those burgeoning feelings to her ‘work’ with Malachi. Which should be even more interesting!


Ok, so we’re his servants/men around to see all that? Did he stop because of that, or out of respect for their newly budding relationship/wanting to not get too carried away before marriage? Or where will they walk to… somewhere more secluded?


The reason why he hasn't aged is making me anxious already. Seems like Ravina is attracted to him. Most probably because she hasn't felt warmth in a long time 🤷

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I am feeling very conflicted I am glad her little heart is warming up but I wish it was to Kai not to lord Steele 😔 but its okay there is still alot that needs to transpire therefore I will not loose hope


Oh my. Why has he not aged? There is a mystery here.


🤔He is half dragon. Her father knew or found out. I wonder if Malichi will scent him as family or foe? Excited to see where this leads.


Wohooo! !! That was so quick, Amazed by this pirate steele wow "Art of seduction"

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She seems intelligent, cold hearted, determined, goal oriented, not easily persuaded, and at the same time the opposite! So, while she figures herself out, I’ll just sit back and patiently wait for the sparks from Malachi to shoot out and heat Ravina up! 🧘‍♀️


She got turned on a little fast and I am surprised he stopped it. Although, his guards are there. Why doesn't he age and why won't he tell her until after the wedding? I still think he maybe a dragon or something else other than human and he is asking questions about King Malachi. He also said she life won't be what she thinks it will be. Now that she has gotten her first kiss from Lord Steele, will she go back and try kissing King Malachi? She definitely enjoyed it a little to much for a first kiss.

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Warming up the ice princess to record temptations I mean temperature lol


Oh!!well Rav really is a woman who wants what all women yearns despite the fact she doesn't show it...she wants to be loved like any other lady. Pirate man is still fishy to me he's life story seems half untrue, that dude ain't showing his hands🤔🤔🤔🤔the air of suspicious is too thick around him. Dear Rav do not be swept off by these new feelings of warmth for the first time and think very logical and rational abt that dude, a lot of things ain't right with him. I personally do not like him case close😒😒😒😒


I think Lord Steele got a little shocked about Ravina,but he is learning that Ravina is a no-nonsense person. She is bold, adventurous and daring, albeit cold and in need of a good thawing, lol.


Lord Steele is not human or fully human. What is he? Is he 1/2 human and 1/2 dragon or what? My inquiring mind must know.


I’m still curious what he is. Ravina gets to focus on non revenge for a moment.


I'm curious of how Lord Steele don't age. maybe he is one of the dragons or maybe he has a blood line of dragons.


Are they going somewhere so they can be alone? but guards will follow them no matter what. He is overly confident but i'm surprised Ravina is able to open her heart to him so soon. i hope she doesn't feel disappointed.


Whaaaaatttt!!!!!?????😮😮😑😵 This is escalating faster than i thought. no matter how charming lord steel might be we still have our ML(malachi) to vouch for.


I‘VE GOT IT! Lord Steele and Malachi are the SAME BEING. Think about it her attraction to him…..it’s so sudden and strong. His plan was to weaken them from the inside. She seems to be the strongest one, so determined and making the best weapons. If she were out of the castle it would certainly be weaker. (Mic drop ha ha)