
Comments of chapter undefined of Touch of Flame


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I am liking lord steele. However, I really hope that she goes down to see the dragon after lord steele leaves so that the dragon can see her both all dolled up and slightly flustered from her encounter with lord steele. that will make things interesting šŸ˜‰šŸ˜šŸ¤ž


I don't know what to think of him yet. I have a suspicion that he may be a dragon in disguise. Wouldn't that be something?!


I havenā€™t figured Lord Steele out yet. I donā€™t know enough to categorize him as good or bad. He sounds kind of hot and bold andā€¦. Iā€™m just not sure what I think yet!! He may give our Ravina a heart attack before Malachi has a chance to do the same.


Lord Steele is definitely intriguing. I donā€™t think heā€™s full human either. He could be part dragon since other mythical beings havenā€™t been introduced yet. I do like his straightforward attitude. Heā€™s giving Malachi a run for his dragons šŸ˜‚


Ravina's father wanted peace with the dragons and Lord Steele is one of people that was acquainted with her father. I am still wondering if Steele could be a dragon and he wants Ravina as his breedmate also because he would be able to smell her fertility. He could also use her for inventing things to help his clan against other clans and to make himself king. I am definitely looking forward to learning more about this Lord Steele, but I would rather see her with King Malachi because at least Malachi seems to be honest with her for the most part.


Lord Steel Points in his favour - Ravinaā€™s uncle and father liked him and her cousin does not - his somewhat liberal view of women in general - interesting and charismatic character and interesting to read about Points against - comes across as a bit sleazy at times Conclusion More chapters about Lord Steel please!


If lord steel is a dragon in disguise and he worked with her father and nobody knows which dragon killed her parents, could it be lord steel that turned into his dragon form and killed them?? Seriously thatā€™ what I am thinking now


He is not married and in his 30s. That is a huge ? For me. There is certainly more to this character. I donā€™t trust him yet.


I do not believe Lord Steele can be trusted. He is well aware of Ravinaā€™s and her fatherā€™s inventions. I think Lord Steele has an evil ulterior motive for wanting to marry Ravina. Also, I believe the man is not human or fully human.


Interesting character this Lord Steele. I like him. Smart, confident, daring, seductive, direct... If it werenā€™t for Malachi, Iā€™d say they make a good match. He seems to be interested in her, which does not mean he may not hold another interest for marrying her as well of which we arenā€™t are aware off yet. But from his character alone, one could say heā€™d be interested in a woman like her. Smart, disciplined, hardworking, strong and with a mind of her own, just as he described her. It is also consistent with his character not to go with the flow, choosing a soft meek female. I bet heā€™d be bored...The fact that he wants a partner earns my respect as well as not being willing to take a woman who wouldnā€™t willingly share his bed. As for what he is, Iā€™m not sure but I lean towards human who ages well, I mean, there are some of those out there, arenā€™t there? I mean, as a pirate he mustā€™ve endured a lot of sun but heā€™s in his mid-thirties and leads an active life so... he also has a scar. Donā€™t dragons heal? Or was the wound inflicted with a special devise? Anyway, this is an issue for which we need more time. Going back to what I was saying, I seriously donā€™t know if he has a secret agenda. I think he meant it when he said he wants a family which brings me to the next question. He said he wouldnā€™t marry her if sheā€™s not capable of warmth and love but then they continued talking as if he would. I know they are in the preambles were nothing has been decided yet, but it does make me wonder. He seems confident that he can ā€œwarm her upā€ (and he doesnā€™t seem to be too misguided or deluded) but does he think that once he does, sheā€™ll open up to have a child? Although I think what matters more to him is being at the other end of her warmth... As always, I hope I wonā€™t have to dislike him. I didnā€™t find him shady, but it is too soon and there is always time... for the time being I quite enjoyed their exchange and want to see more of them. Seeing Ravina interact with both of them should be fun and I canā€™t wait!


I have a feeling Steele will want to see our dragonā€¦ Ravinaā€¦Steele is not the one for you, but he may have just awakened a side of you that you didnā€™t know existed! However, wait until the right one triggers those unexplored feelings! ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø


Lord Steele definitely holds some mystery about him. Itā€™s intriguing. What is it that he wants and why does it seem he is hiding something?


Thus far I like him, a manā€™s man type, bold and one to go after want he wants, motivated. Seems heā€™s a bit romantic as well, lol.


Wellā€¦ On paper and in person they are a good match, and they boh know it. How many other men could sue speak so frankly with or truly be herself? He even took the glove off and saw her wrecked hands šŸ˜‰. I think Ravina was surprised by the *ahem* personal attention he have her, but that makes it even better. He clearly has some goals that she will firther, but the same is true for her - this marriage would accomplish some very basic and important goals for her. If only she wasnā€™t fated to be the mate of one Kingly dragon with a temper and an attitude this would be her ideal match.


What I thinkšŸ¤” I still don't like the dude he's too shady and fishy.... especially the fact he still looks the same in he's 20's when he's in his 30's.....nah!!!too many suspicionšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” I really don't like Mr shady former prirate


i like himšŸ‘Œi like his boldness. he's an inventor. they have a common point and she was feeling his touch so i guess this marriage can work. actually i like his approach better. though Malachi don't have much chance about approaching her since he's a prisoner and hates humans.



Wow, a lot of comments about Lord Steele. He definitely talks a good game. I also think he is part dragon and donā€™t trust him.


I think he is also on a mission, I'm also suspecting him to be part of the dragon or another mysterious creature.


I like Lord Steele, hopefully he doesnā€™t get too hurt or turn into a villain. Maybe Ravina will end up with both men?