
Comments of chapter undefined of Transmigrating To Ancient Times With A Kitchen


they say it's ending but no available chapters us this mean if we want to read the ending we have to pay for this privellege thing ...dream on ...I don't mind reading the ending I can just presume it anyway it doesn't bother me not reading it .


This reader has noticed of late a lack of 2 times a day releases of this story, despite having over 20 chapters in its pocket. Considering that this story seems to have a loong loong loong way to go and I'm still enjoying it am hopeful that this is not the end of the story. It disappoints, angers, insults and frustrates a reader when the story they have been reading/supporting for over a year suddenly stops. Especially when many coins have been spent. Please do not disappoint this reader and if it has ended, provide a statement of said status, not doing so shows lack of courtesy to the ones who have been supporting it.