
Comments of chapter undefined of The Martial Unity


I feel like there is an unfathomable existence in the center of the beast domain. That the previous civilization was as developed, if not more that the current Kandrian Empire. That is convergence of beast towards the center of the beast domain is not a one time thing but something that happens in cycles. Each time the thing at the centre wakes up and consumes everything and burrows the seeds of a new beast continent again. Then millennia later the cycle repeats itself.

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Looks like the perfect situation to work on Angel of Laplace technique! We want to know! Give us the answer Rui!

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what if there was no beast domain? What if humanity had opened something they shouldn't have and destroyed their world, and the survivors had to restart like Doctor Stone, but no Senku. Stories lost to time and fighting beast for survival even our civilization mark would take a long time to crumble without upkeep. maybe they opened something at the center that evolved and teraformed the planet faster than humans could adapt. The ones left were not the smartest, but the toughest with a foothold, humanity does what it always has expand

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