
Comments of chapter undefined of Evil Mother Is Too Gentle Now

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I have a question, you said lucio cared about the staff so much that his mother would punish him by hurting them . Then you said that he himself punishes tge stuff and is cruel to them, so which is it ?


lucio was a kind kid that cared about everyone around him when he was a boy since he felt that they were like families but she punished them and forced him to learn. she was crazy to show the world that her son was much better than the crown prince her husband adored. and the guilt of death of crown prince and still the cold expressions turned her on the edge of craziness to win the crown for her son. as a result she inflict so much force and pain that her son felt she was crazy and greddy woman who want nothing but power and money but it affected him unconscuiously and he lost his faith in relationships and turn into a tyrant who cared about nothing. he went to the limit of killing himself just to hurt her and make her plans fail. it was like a butterfly affect on the whole family. if you would notice the current Lucio after rebirth. he is working on the goal of saving his brother as he think that this was his reason to come back. but he did not have much affection left towards his brother or mother. he still did not have any faith in humaity and relationships. but treat them as a way to exploit others. sorry for the long comment but i hope it cleared your doubts.

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Great work Author