
Comments of chapter undefined of In the Heat of Desire

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Oh my god she's pregnant OH MY GOD SHE'S PREGNANT!!! Gosh I wonder how Esmé will take the reveal. Would he be daunted? Would he feel a little betrayed? Would he be understanding? Gosh Jay-nim!!!! The start of the chapter oh gosh. There was nothing explicit but you still somehow got across the intensity of their night and the warm affection too. Poor Angel, she must be tearing her hair out and cursing out her boss XD I wonder if she's upset about losing the bet too 🤣 Really really really curious to find out more about Esmé's background and how he'll interact with everyone else in the family. (I wonder if Rosalia and Anselm would welcome him with open arms with or without the shovel talk XD) Thank you for the chapter Jay-nim!! Can't wait for the next chapter!! 💕💕


Thank you so much for all the comments wahhhh I only just saw them now 😭😭I'm really, really grateful for your constant support—I really do mean it when I say that your kindness is a great motivation for me to keep going (be it with writing, or drawing, or anything else really), I hope you know that!! Seeing your enthusiasm and interest in my works is the best thing any author can ask for, and I'm truly lucky and thankful that you consider my content as something you like enough to give feedback like this for ㅠㅠ Thank you so, so much!!! 💕💖💕 I'll do my best in writing the updates for this too!! 💖