
Comments of chapter undefined of Never Meet Your Idols

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I want a friend like MJ 🥺 She's so sweet and so supportive of a friend (the monetary benefits is a plus too XD) And ooh, I sense some backstory to Fia here 👀 Me reading that MJ wants good things to happen to her friend, /just because/ really makes me feel warm inside. (I wasn't joking about wanting a friend like MJ) Someone who would try to make good things happen if they don't occur naturally for a friend... 🥺🥺 And Fia! That line about her having grown up enough that she knows that, even though those dark and insidious thoughts in her mind won't ever really go away, she doesn't have to listen to them at all. She can just treat them like white noise. I'm honestly so, so curious how MJ and Fia met. And what Sofia's occupation is really. Thank you for the chapter!! 💕


I want a friend like MJ too 😭💖And yes, there's some backstory to Fia behaving that way, but that'll be for much, much later!! I'm so happy you noticed it aaa 💕💕💕 And thank you so much for pointing that specific bit out, about Fia acknowledging her dark thoughts but not giving in to them!! I enjoyed writing that bit in, so I'm glad to know it made a bit of an impact on you too 🥺💖 I'll eventually add in more bits and pieces on their history together, so please look forward to it!! Thank you so much too, for reading and leaving such a lovely comment!! 💖