
Comments of chapter undefined of An npc who just wants to live idling around.


Dude, it's your story, only listen to criticism if it seems constructive or justified. Even then, this story belongs to you and we only benefit from it. As long as the story is good, people will wait for the sequel even if some seem dissatisfied.


are you okay? (

Andre_Saavedra:Actually both the reader and the writer benefit from it, if no one read my story, then it would be like going fishing, taking your catch to the market and not selling anything, the fish will have rotted and the fisherman will have wasted his efforts. When I refer to criticism, I refer to ideas or data that may be wrong in history, in history I applied psychology, plans, etc. The ideas that I had 2 years ago are not the same psychological ideas that I have today, in the same way my way of writing, in the last chapters there is more detail and not just leaving it to what comes out, that is why I am rewriting, Hopefully it will be mamalon. I also appreciate your comment very much.

hmmm no need for explicit stuff if ya don't want it in the story, just as good to say they had a rather steamy night or woke up together after a very long and fun night. Just implying they did stuff is usually enough for a more mature story. There are plenty of smut stories for those that need it. though I don't think anyone would say no, if the first time the MC and a heroine did it was a seperate/skippable or spoilered chapter, and then after it was just fade to black.


are you okay? (ಥ _ ಥ)


And who was ren's ex again?


thank Chapter


so I don't really get it, is the story gonna continue or are you writing a new novel ?