
Comments of chapter undefined of The Alpha's Temptation

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I wonder if Murel was really Menkar…🤔 If so, he is way more powerful with black magic. It would make sense. He would practice black magic and make it look like Kinshra was the one. I am sure he also practiced it on Biham. I think it is time to force Sirrah to spill the truth. Tania will be able to do this…along with Eltanin’s alpha aura. This is why I have been reserving judgment on Biham until the whole truth is out. I sense Kinshra still has feelings for him. That is why I feel there is some truth she knows that only Sirrah knows along with her cohorts. So, I need more! I have been feeling Tania and her grandfather will meet in the middle and she will break through his arrogant and cold demeanor. I said this before she stood up to him. I also thought her bravery against him would be something he appreciated. Bullies only stand down when someone dares to stand against them. He better prepare himself..she is on fire!!! 🔥🔥🔥 Can’t wait for more!!!

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I also thought it might have been Menkar!….I also think Morava is Menkar’s daughter 😬

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Sirrah had the "healer" give her drugs to kill her baby and put her into a stupor so Menkar could perform black magic and then she could be blamed. Menkar knows who Tania is all along

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I think Sirrah had both of them undr some form of magic

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Sirrah gave her memory potion to blackout and Sirrah did or had someone to do black magic. Especially since Sirrah know the Nixers. Ummm dirty dog.

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wondering Sirrah had a tie up with Menkar who called himself Murel???? And those potions caused Kinshara to space out ? Never inagined Sirrah could be so vicious and vengeful for a kingdom, wonder what is so special about Pegasi ? Mishak where are you taking us now?

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Diamond mines to a kingdom, what a joke? Biham has this. I can't wait for his response to seriously give him a whiplash! Let's not forget Elty would aid him. So nice Kinshra is helping Tania with her magic ... hoped she will go back in three days with Tani and Elty, with or without finishing her power acquisition to see Anastasia; Anastasia clearly wants to see Tania and Kinshra

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I am sure the potions were to make her better, right. They probably did something evil to her.

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I must say that Biham was very gullible. As a King he lacked wisdom and not shrewd enough to understand the ploys of a jealous wife. How daft of him to believe a wife will be so overly concerned of the well-being of a highly beautiful competitor and one most beloved by her husband. Biham you don’t deserve Kinshra. Your brain 🧠 is missing.

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Okay, here's my thoughts on the Biham and Kinshra situation. I know that he loves her and if she loves him they should at least talk to start with. Then they can both tell their side of the events that happened back then. I think Murel is Menkar and also Morava's father. More on that in a minute. Sirrah got him to give Kinshra 'healing' potions and he then used black magic on her to make it look like she was spacing out like she was using black magic. He was using black magic on Biham to convince him that Kinshra was. Back to Menkar, when his messenger told him that his daughter was gone I kept wondering who his daughter was. I think Sirrah was having an affair with Menkar & convinced him to use black magic to get rid of Biham so they could be together and rule Pegasii with Morava being the Queen. She was probably plotting her death too so she could be Queen. She's so low down and dirty but she must be very convincing to the men. How did I do, Misha?

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See this! I just gifted the story: Dragon

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