
Comments of chapter undefined of Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

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You got a good story going for you but my guy, get an editor or something, the amount of errors makes this hard to read especially the constant name changing. It's a good story don't get me wrong, but you gotta go back and fix your mistakes.

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This story has so much potential, but it needs a good amount of editing to fix the errors so readers don't constantly get thrown off the flow of the story. If the author ever gets it together enough to polish up this gem, it will be brilliant.

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I can appreciate the author commenting on the issues, but these chapters have been out for months from the look of it. I mean, any general reading of this novel would show that the initial sporadic mistakes sharply increased around chapter 20 or so and have gotten to the point that nearly every paragraph has issues.

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you should definitely proofread better. you have made so many mistakes in your series so far. I would enjoy it more, if only you fixed those many stupid mistakes.


There seem to be less and less typos and grammatical mistakes since the last chapter I commented on, so I think I'll stick with it and hope for more improvement until It all gets ironed out. When it comes to the story it's very enjoyable, if a bit too fast-paced in some parts. The MC has some depth already and the world-building feels unique, definitely has potential and I can't wait to see where it goes from here
