
Comments of chapter undefined of Omega's Rebirth


This doesn’t make sense, because you saw with Narx that a true bond vs chosen bond There are significant differences, so this doesn’t make sense; it feels like an after thought done by the author because she created too amazing of a love triangle. Some people want xenon and Veah to get together, some want Veah and Jian. So regardless of who she choses to be Eva‘s partner, there will be at least 50% of the group that are disappointed with her choice. There are also some that probably don’t know which way to go and would prefer her to just be single. The relationship of a bonded was written so purely that having a threesome seems really off.


I just really wish I had the money to pay for privilege chapters ahh 😩 the wait is excruciating 😣

corona672:exactly the harem theory has always been thrown since the beginning of the book I don't know why it takes them up by surprise and if you read the male characters, King Jian ,Xenon and Menarx's all said Male leads meaning they are Veahs man lol I still think Azkar might be added and I wouldn't mind it one bit. The story always gave the vibe that Veah was going to have multiple men she wanted Xenon even when she was getting bonded to Menarx's and Xenon wanted to be with her regardless she was getting bonded to Menarx's.

Thank you for the Birthday shout out and the mass release JHeart!!!


This was by far the best day ever!!!!!


Well......let's just go with it! Royal sandwich anyone?


This is my thought 💭 She’s part wolf/dragon she has Alessio as her wolf mate then Jian as her dragon so it makes sense too. Also merging with Menarx at the second stage severed Alessio’s bond which was fragile as there was no mark to deepen it further. If you check clearly she has an Alpha mark and Dune mark sth like that from both Kaiden and her mother so it has been balanced right from time is only fair to balance it up with two mates Xenon instead of Alessio and then Jian her dragon mate. She’s already marked Xenon too. Apart from this fact right from the beginning of the novel Jian has always had his POV not Menarx or Xenon so I predicted that he and Veah will have a relationship from that. As for Xenon he deserves the bond with her wolf because he found her first in the eclipse domain and they’ve like each other since then before Menarx came in Unexpectedly. If you ask me Menarx was the odd person in this novel but I liked how Jheart made both he and Neveah’s love matter when it was his chance.


OMG Veah is so lucky, Xenon & Jian, god I wish I was her lol


King Jian said F*** the council. Veah is getting to keep both her men 🤗😜😜


Based on what is known of the mate bond, it feels unreal that things play out this way - especially given the possessive inclinations of wolves and dragons. However, I will acknowledge that this is JHeart's world, and no author is required to go the route of others. I still feel Xenon is getting the shorter end of the stick somehow - he found Veah first, but Jian being King and being the true bond mate gives him a more official standing. This their brotherhood bond is quite something. I was thrown off by how Xenon patiently waited to the side while Veah and Menarx almost got hitched. I suppose the reverse will now be the case.


That was way to easy, plus what happened to the bad guy washing up in the stream when she closed her eyes?


Xenon's reverse scale is embedded in Jian. Their bond is stronger than with the other brothers. Didn't realize the author was already foreshadowing this threesome. If Jian's reverse scale is embedded in Nevaeh, the bond between the 3 of them will be even stronger.


No update ?




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