
Comments of chapter undefined of Omega's Rebirth


“Let it go, let it go, you can’t hold me back anymore”


I kinda want Veah to leave the stronghold with her dad. I want them all to miss her. I also want something terrible to happen at the stronghold when she’s gone so they can’t blame her for it. I want Adrienne to be Menarx’s rider and for her to fail miserably because she’s not good enough. I just really want everyone to realise that Veah is a treasure


I feel bad for Menarx but… Veah is going to let him go and say peace out 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻. I’m sad my harem will lose a color and maybe I will eventually come around to it…but today is F Fate and F Menarx. And F Jian while we are at it because he shouldn’t have interfered unless he was willing to admit his feel which we all know will literally take Veah bleeding out before he will do such thing. And even then he may not.


Wait wait wait, why has everyone given up on narx? Tbh, I don’t think that not letting Adrienne jump is a sign of him wavering (because no normal person other than Adrienne herself would watch another one do that), but I can understand why even as Veah understands it, it still hurts for her. Veah has lived her life with uncertainty and everything taken away from her, so when tragedy knocks and threatens to take it away, I think it’s normal she feels immediately feels hopeless thinking that fate would never let her be. And she duly notes the irony too! I mean, Narx never questioned her when she left the hall and is conflicted over someone she doesn’t have a “true bond” with, so how can she fault Narx’s uncontrollable natural bond reactions? I think at least, we should wait for Narx’s answer next chapter. But honestly, I find it hard to believe that he will suddenly have Adrienne in his heart other than the pull of the true bond. Like, seriously. Alessio didn’t suddenly find a space in Veah’s heart when she discovered her bond. If author writes it so then… it will be a forced plot device 😵‍💫. It’s inconsistent characteristation and making the True Bond become a rose-coloured glass and cheat key that suddenly washes away Adrienne’s sin. I believe the author won’t do this. Her writing has been good so far. Why are we jumping ship just because the currents are rough? But I have always been a proponent of Veah having peace in the dunes. The Keep is a silly place where they set councils for stupid things. Give veah a break!


Devastation beyond words.


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


That is heartbreaking. She does not have all of him…


I am really loving Kaiden and his subordinate. That being said, I just can’t see someone like Narx going for the fairy… she is manipulative, and evil narx is not like that at all, he is just



so sad for menarx... 😭😭😭 my heart is bleeding for what is to come. but then the waiting for the next update is more excruciatingly painful than narx-veah's break-up... 😢😢😢 more chapters please please please.....


was a whole repeat of the flashback necessary?