
Comments of chapter undefined of Omega's Rebirth


You know I’m so conflicted and sad about this at the same time. Narx just confessed when he fell in love with her and then xenon pops back talking clearly and now wants to take veah away. I feel like its back to the same thing again, where veah has no say, he just demands, wants and takes. What about how veah feels, how he hurt her and how all her life she never had a choice. And she finally made a decision but was always unsure about narx but still went through 2 mergings. I feel horrible for narx. I really really find this whole thing tragic. Worse than Romeo and Juliet. Ugh


Honestly I find it a little sad that upon becoming lucid, xenon and the rest don’ get to have a long awaited brotherly reunion and instead… they will have to have this weird awkward painful love rivalry. And Jian at the side be like love hating veah again because he been knew and now he has to watch his brothers fight - a reason why he was cautious, disliked and was so against her in the first place. And I don’t think it’s the first time xenon’s love life created some problems within the brotherhood because ex-witch was some psycho? Author you need to drop 10 chapters asap no one can live with this pain of not knowing how this is going to play out TT


Xenon needs to explain to Veah about the witch clearly, now especially that he can talk properly. Narx was there from the start & he knew the only reason they went to wolf territory was for Xenon to get Veah so he's at fault for wanting what his brother wanted, also I don't think these elves will let Narx & Veah be together anyway, maybe when Narx actually sees / meets her they'll imprint on each other as fated mates & not a chosen one as he & Veah are.


I need like 10 chapters asap! this 1 chapter every few days is killing me!


I feel so conflicted! While the harem idea sounds divine, I can’t help but feel someone (i.eNarx) will be the chivalrous and too kind of a guy to continue his relationship with Veah, he will step aside. That or some tragic death will happen that will break our hearts. Really want to see how jian is tied into all this. Need more chapters!!!!!! PLEASE!!! How can we convince you wonderful author!!!!?? [img=update]


AHHHHHHHHHHHHH ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 YES YES YES!!!!!!! Get our girl back Xenon!! I’m so sorry Narx, I love you but Xenon has my heart and soul ❤️




JHeart why would you play Mernarx like that? Better to have let them be than to give them hope only to crash it.....I'm not in support of it, moreover they're left with only one merging to be fully bonded. Thanks for the work though, just don't hurt Mernarx like that


When will we have an update?! Wait is killing me!!! Maybe the 10 chapters wish will come true!!


Matters of the heart ...let's see who wins Veah. Release 10 chapters plsssss


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola