
Comments of chapter undefined of Omega's Rebirth


I LOVE Jian! Really wondering if Beau will end up with all 3 of them. Wouldn’t be a stretch as close and they all are.


You know when you know a book is really good , when you suddenly have a revelation about it while in the shower cleaning your nose lol. TMI i know lol So it occured to me that I’m probably going to be bawling in the next few chapters, because my Lord of Ruby Red scales is going to get fatally wounded. He too was hurt by the golem with a wound that wasn’t closing, now he is the first to arrive to fight with Jian, he will definitely take a blow for his king, and with Neveah in a predicament where she is dying I feel like Astrag/or whatever the horn head man/fairy will probably barter his life for saving Neveah, and Mernax being Mernax will definitely chose to give up his for hers…am i think too much, who knows…i just know tears will be shed and it has to be him, and i hate it but it will be him…I want to punch the stupid tempered black dragon right now, where the f are you!!!!

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I’ve said it many times now, I MISS XENON!!!! And I’m not afraid to admit that I’m disappointed. I thought Xenon was going to be a more pivotal character. I feel like he’s been written off. I MISS BLACK SCALED!!!!!!



OMG!!! The fight begins!!! What if the item on the box is what helps veah transform into a dragon/wolf and she helps them fight the golem!


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola