
Comments of chapter undefined of Cursed Immortality


Digging your own grave? nice idea!


Haa such an interesting situation I wonder how he'll come out on top, will he be able to obtain star hackers information and be able to defeat star lord and learn all his secrets and how will he comprehend first chapter, how will he escape from the man coming from higher plains will he be able to become legend and what of autrach upgrade, will he be able to figured out Fighting giant spirit and what of the dreamscape of dark city, will the quantum-based sniper be successful and many more things. Man I am dying to know just how big this world is ], who are the god the faries worship and what of demurge and what of other galaxies, then there is that tree what is it. I just love this Novel Can't wait for more please Hope we will be able to get more chapts soon. Thank you Wahi


oh someone finally figures out


Since he loves the field of weapons of mass destruction, why doesn't he himself create magic like atomic or quantum magic or a magic essence that combines this destructive power, and he will no longer need resources, I think he can create something like this since his previous world considers the atomic and quantum world to be The pinnacle of power, and since he has reached that pinnacle, all he has to do is see if he can turn it into magic. It will be his personal path and personal power away from the interference of anyone, including (cursed immortality....)