
Comments of chapter undefined of Allure Of The Night


I wonder why vincent listened to his parents. He should have just gotten the fangs out like Damien did without wasting time. And Eve better not grow those fangs back out of good.


Fangs no more!! Your dramatic as s brought it upon yourself, Marcie! Learn humility and regret your wrongdoings. Maybe Eve can grow your fangs again. At least you have that option in the future, unlike Gracie. Too bad you don't know it yet.šŸ˜Œ


These chapters keep getting better and better. Is it wrong tbat I am enjoying Marcieā€™s demise a little too much. Thatā€™s karma baby. And Vincent serves it so well.


He actually did it!!!! Omg he did it!!!!! I almost thought he was going to kill her but defanging I thi k could really be worse!! Hahaha. Iā€™m actually glad. At least now she will never be able to drink from Eve!!


After reading last 3-4 chapters i find Lady Annalise to be really good, though she doesn't like people from lower class(which is understandable), she also dont held any injustice and she loves her family dearly, though they're her step children she loves and respect them equally. I think this why Vincent didn't had any objection when his father decided to marry Lady Annalise. And also i was eagerly waiting for defanging part, and now it is done i can rejoice


ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøHi KnightSquad!ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø Our dear author is currently unavailable due to personal reasons. Updates will resume once she completes her personal obligations. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


She is sooo much dramaaaaa when will she learn!!!!


she should have taken her father's punishment and quit trying to gaslight her whole family. Now look at you, soon to be fangless brat. I hope Eve doesn't feel guilty when she finds out, none of this is your fault Eve.


Marcie you should know better then to try and bluff with your dear brother. he can see right thru you. defanging it is then because of your pride and connivingness.


See this! I just gifted the story: Magic castle


ATTENTION EVERYONE: Let me begin by saying that I am with you. I love Ash_knight17's stories with all my heart! I usually can't wait until the next update! The hours between updates are usually spent checking over and over just to see if there is something new. Reading each new chapter is without a doubt, the best part of my day! And as soon as it's over I feel like crying because I have to wait for the next update! But please, keep in mind that writing is seriously time and energy consuming! I tried once to write a short story, and ypu would not believe how dificult it is! How long it takes to think about how to describe a scene or character so everyone would understand what you are trying to express. How many times you write something, read it and realize that you could have worded it better, use a different scene, or something you forgot to add or realize that there is too much unnecessary stuff. Writers spend HOURS, sometimes up to 6 or 8 hours to write something that takes us only 5-10 minutes to read! Then there is the pressure of having to continue a story that is so good that everyone expects you to keep the quality high above the rest everytime you create a new chapter! Add to that, the love you have for all the wonderful people who love your story and are sitting at the edge just waiting for the next update. That's a lot of pressure! And last, remember that outside of your novel writing, there is a family, a job or school, maybe even children that you cannot neglect, and require your time and attention above anything else. Beimg a writer is hard! So please don't put pressure to the author to update. Love them and support them. Understand that there is a life that they must continue, and admire them for being able to update as often as they do! Most published authors take between 8 months to a year (sometimes even more!) to publish another book. Fanfiction writers sometimes only update a chapter every month! And I have followed stories where 6 months go by and the author finally decides to update! But somehow, people still continue to follow them. Why? Because the story is THAT GOOD! So in all honesty, feel blessed that we have someone as hard working and talented as Ash_knight17. She knows we are desperately waiting for the next update, and she probably is super sad and stressed about it. So give her love, support, understanding, and a bit of comfort. If she is a bit under the weather, a family member needs help or is sick, job is hectic, or she is taking exams, she still is loved, and we understand that she has a right to take time to make things right. Meanwhile, re-read your favorite chapters, start all over again, see if you discover something new that may be a clue about something that is going to happen in the future, re-imagine what someone looks like, their house, clothes, and the things they interact with. And remind Author-san that no matter how difficult things may be outside of this universe, we will still be here, loving everything they have creatwd for us, every couple, every emotion we felt, and every time we just exploded with anger, joy, or sadness because our favorite characters experienced something so incredible that we end up gasping for air! And don't forget to thank her for creating all this emotions for us to experience! Send little tokens of love if you can afford it, and if you can't, then simply say "I just want you to know that I love the story/chapter, and. I will be here when you come back! Take whatever time you need and know that you are loved!"


im so glad he did it. she can work on her heart. and 1 day, when she has earned it, maybe eve will heal her.


I feel like Vincent went far being that this his younger sister. Theyā€™re ways he could have punished her. Donā€™t think Eves gonna like this either. But I hope Marceline change her ways. This will break her.


Thanks Ash for another exciting chapter!!!! Hope you get well soon!!!


OMG!šŸ˜± Bye bye tooth/fang.šŸ˜ˆ Hahah


Vincent after breaking her fang:




He did NOT šŸ˜³


šŸ˜± OMGšŸ˜± I am so shocked Vincent Moriarty is a master of his words, he will always have his ways.


The entire build up and dramatic dialogue of alternative options for Marcieā€™s punishment just for Vincent go with his original punishment (defanging) is so hilarious to me šŸ˜­


Hope you are alright Ash