
Comments of chapter undefined of Allure Of The Night

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See this! I just gifted the story: Magic castle


After the kiss, Vincent and Eve don't need to remind each other of what happened between them. This chapter really shows their chemistry already blooms to the surface from the root. Their bond for each other develops so well, I love the slow burn stories. It gives so much emotions. Well then, Ashi 🥰🥰🤍🤍


lol Vincent knew that ice would crack…


So I’m thinking Eve is part werewolf because of her eyes changing color here and there.


Hang in there everyone!! Next chapter/s will be out once Ash finishes writing. She doesn’t have a stockpile of chapters so she has to write them daily. Thank you for your patience and understanding!! 🤍🖤


Me: Using wings is kind of cheating, no? Calhoun is typing...


He might push you to the edge for fun but Vincent’s got you little Eve… from now and forever 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.


Sweet little moments being had between Vincent and Eve here 🥰🥰🥰 Also, quite curious as to what her mother was since there have been hints to something in the past and now Vincent has mentioned it too. I’m sure since he has found her true body now he knows what ”kind” her mother was 🤔🧐 Keeping us on our toes and always guessing Ash ❤️❤️❤️


Omg a romantic flight in the snow!!!


Awee Vincentnt is showing his sweet side to her. He clearly is just as much in love with her as she is with him. 🤗


Those chapters are all :💞💓💓💛💛💓💓💗💗💗🔥🔥🔥🔥🍃😭😭🖤

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See this! I just gifted the story: Magic castle


Vincent: “Gotcha!” Eve: “…..” with a look of unbelief & shock… These two are unbelievably the cutest couple! He picks at her and pushes her to her limits and she antagonizes him and pushes him to take NO for an answer…very rarely does it work! You can see the chemistry and feel the tension building up between them! They are going to be full of fire and romance when the finally give into their desire! You can also see that she has given him her whole heart and he will only want and love her the rest of his long immortal existence! They are perfect for each other! I am guessing he is working on figuring out who exactly Eve is! He knows her father was a merman and he knows her mother came back to life after being dead! He knows Becca was buried alive and this was the cause of her death! So this leads him to believe that Becca was more than human! Now, Eve has yellow flakes in her eyes! I do not think she is a warewolf because that is the obvious! I am thinking she is a witch or maybe a siren! I think she would be something that Vincent would need to dispose of, but he will not! But, what if she is a warewolf! That is a whole new ballgame for Noah! He was told he needed to marry a she wolf and if Eve is a she wolf, that changes things for him! Too bad she is in love with Vincent! I recall it being said that Eve’s father saved Eve’s mother! So, she had to be something that was being hunted. Maybe she was severely injured and he came upon her and healed her. Thus, he fell in love with her and that is how Eve came to be! Maybe Becca did not know she was an outcast! Maybe her identity was dormant in her leading Eve’s to be dormant as well! IDK! This is my guess! Ash, wow! Such a great chapter! It was cute, flirty, and suspicious! Vincent seems to be trying to figure Eve out, without alerting her! Of course he does not care but he wants to know so he knows how to protect her and who to protect her from! Thank you so much Ash! You are AMAZING!

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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I love them so much!


I’m trying to remember what the old book said about the beginning of pureblood vamps and mermaids…wasnt it a mermaid who gave the pureblood abilities? Im probably remembering it wrong. Maybe she has pureblood vampire in her or the royal family line of it somewhere and that’s what is dormant. Whatever it is, it has to be immortal so that they can love each other forever.


I am thinking she is part siren. Siren's are able to hide as human, and the chances of her mother being a siren is high. Didn't Vincent had different eyes or can tell they are by the eyes? It's possible her mother and father had a prohibited romance between a Merman and Siren. And as for the frozen lake. Naughty boy for playing and plotting on having Eve closer to him. Such shameless actions. 😆