
Comments of chapter undefined of Allure Of The Night

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This kind of confrontation is something I enjoy! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Noah I wonder whatā€™s really causing you to back down without even putting up a fight? Hmm. James from TCO has more guts than you are right now.. šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ Oh Vincent.. I canā€™t wait til you get more serious about your relationship with Eve. šŸ„°


Vince just had to confirm his suspicions about poor Noah. But Iā€™m with Vince, if he loved her enough, he would go after her no matter who or what stood in his way. Once Vince embraces his feelings, I guess Noah will have to sit back and see how itā€™s done.


Finally they meet... and I'm not surprised. Noah could have landed another punch, just for giggles. Not that I think Vincent deserved it, but I'm pretty sure Vincent likes pushing Noah to his limit. What if Rebecca's clothes does match Eve's patched jacket and he goes back to the cabin to verify!!!!! Ahhh!!!!!!!!!!


Oh wow! That hit a nerve huh, Duke? šŸ¤­ I kinda enjoyed the moment. I was frustrated with the hot and cold Noah. Heā€™s sweet and kind and all but he gives Eve moments that are swoon worthy and then he friend zones her. Iā€™m glad sheā€™s falling for Vinceā€¦ lol who wouldnā€™t when u spend so much time energy and not to mention blood on a handsome good for everything Vampire ???

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Oh my! I had this feeling these two were going to quarrel over Eve! šŸ˜± Noah is in love with her but he cannot have her due to family responsibilities! Then again, how much does he love her? Vincent is right, if a man were to say anything, do anything or touch one hair on the woman he loves, he would definitely kill him! Noah, though Vincent provoked him, his anger lead him to punch Vincent! šŸ˜¬ Vincent is in love with her too but he does not realize it yet! He is not worried about family responsibilities and could care less what anyone has to say about him spending his time with Eve! We know Vincent would kill for her, we know he would protect her, we know he would go out of his way for her! I am sure Vincent though he was sucker punched he enjoyed it! He knows the Duke will never pursue Eve and she is all his! šŸ˜ As for the bodies, pick the right one Vincent! Eve is counting on you! šŸ˜ Ash, thank you so much! This chapter was amazing! I love how Vincent provoked Noah and how Noah just walked away! I still have to wonder if Noah will break from his responsibility and go after Eve! It would be something if he did and it was too late because she was in love with Vincent! ā™„ļø Choose correctly Vincent šŸ‘‡šŸ¼

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Ash, we need more we are still waiting for Vincent to go kiss Eve goodnight. Where is our second chapter? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Wait, did Vincent just admit he loves someone? Iā€™m glad Eve has powerful men looking out for her, but Vincent now needs to protect her reputation before it is damaged much more! I wonder if Eveā€™s momā€™s skeleton will hold a clue about who Eve is?

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Is it tomorrow yet?


I am continually impressed with Vincent. Always pushing the buttonsā€¦ and now, to get the room to himself to find Rececca. But how will ne know itā€™s her? šŸ¤”


Such a great chapter!!! I love how Vincent called him out! Whether Vincent will admit it or not, he has proven he holds deep affections for Eve. He wouldn't go through so much trouble for her if he didn't. I can't wait for the next chapter!


Wowā€¦ Vincent really loves setting people offšŸ˜…. I think this was Vinceā€™s way of letting Noah know that he had his chance, so back off and mind your business. Vince also threw a blow by telling Noah that he didnā€™t love Eve enough, almost like saying heā€™s not worthy of her. That probably hurt Noah more than the punch did to Vincent. I love this chapter šŸ¤©!

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Thank you Ash. What a great chapter. The confrontation with Vincent and Noah. That was brilliant. ā¤ļø

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vince really know how to push someone to get answers. oh my vince šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


It would be wonderful if these two became friends eventually. I'm well aware that it's a hard thing to happen as both harbour romantic feelings for Eve. Still, apart from their competition for Eve's affection, both of them complement each other very well. Now now Vince needs find Eve's mother and give her a closure to her grievance


Vincent is right, although he hasnā€™t realized his feelings for Eve. He has gone to great lengths to ensure he safety and also killed many people to keep her safe and also just because they touched her. I feel like heā€™s the only one that can protect her. She is his mermaid.

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great chapter as always, the story is playing out really nice and itā€™s getting harder everyday to wait for a new chapter šŸ¤£ but iā€™m anticipating when vincent finds out eve is the little girl from his childhood and how that information will affect him. as for noah how did that feel? are you sure you can do easily back away from eve knowing a very handsome very devilish man is capturing eveā€™s heart? canā€™t wait for more! šŸ˜ø



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