
Comments of chapter undefined of Allure Of The Night


Interesting…he’s a werewolf, but doesn’t eat mermaids…is he part merman as well? Was he in love with a mermaid that was killed? Questions, questions…


I feel like he knows Eve is a mermaid because she is very careless, naive way. Probably did something infront of Noah, which gave the impression that she was a mermaid.


Ok, this chapter had me all over the place. I love VIncent helping Eve; and I wish if he knows she is a mermaid thta he would tell her so she knows she has a powerful ally. But… he does seem to love the game of cat and mouse… I’m so glad Noah refused the meemaid meat. But why? Is he an unusual werewolf? Or is there something else going on? I doubt he knows Eve is a mermaid, so I don’t think it is that. (I don’t know why I don’t think he knows; it’s just my hunch.) I am interested to learn the real reason. And will he notice Eve wasn’t there go look for her?!


I wonder if Noah declined because he’s not interested in Lady M and wants to draw that clearer. He might also want to maintain his image if he does eat mermaids.


So, Noah is a werewolf! We have a confirmation! He does not eat Mermaid meat because he cannot digest it! Huh! I wonder if that is a true statement or if he just doesn’t eat it because of Eve! So with Noah leaving, that should tell Marceline he is not interested in her! Hopefully she will get the hint! Will Noah go look for Eve? As for Vincent, always the jokester! He definitely brings humor to any situation! I thought he was taking her to his room, but I guess she would have really freaked out had he done that! Any way, I love how he went and grabbed all she needed and came back and stepped aside as she asked him to! So it appears we have two gentlemen here! One who is outspoken, shameless, and caring when it counts and the other who is soft spoken, kind and chivalrous whenever he is around Eve! What will she do in this situation? Ash, this was another good one! Well worth the wait as well! Moving on!


You've given us a Golden chapter Ash. Eve has two wonderful men in her life. No, make that three. Eugene, Vincent and Noah..and hopefully, they never divert and leave her. She needs all three if she's to step up for her kind. Uhh!! The satisfaction of seeing Noah not only reject the stupid cruel offer but also walk out of there, in Marceline's ugly face. Wow!! Boy, you did great. It doesn't matter whether or not you really don't eat mermaids. I applaud you. Great job Werewolf Noah. Will he try to find Eve though? He will get curious. Ahhhhhh;!!! Screaming here. Thanks Vincent for all the help. It's either he's playing pretend here, or he hasn't realized her blood smells like that of a mermaid. Hmm!! I wouldn't be surprised if he knows now but won't say it. He is a trickster this one and loves to keep things until necessary. He's holding up good too if he's not losing his senses here with all that blood. To Ash, and the boys in the house...


Wow! First, I want to rescue the young mermaid 💔The poor thing is terrified and alone. Second, I want to burn and behead Marceline. Third, I want to kiss Vincent for helping Ms. Barlow and kiss Noah for refusing to eat the Mermaid. But it does make me wonder if he’s more than just a werewolf.


Well what great chapter plus it show that vince does care for eve proud od you vince for helping eve

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See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


I am so happy that he didn't take a bite from the mermaid. I am sure he knows that Eve is one and he likes her. Looks like our two gentlemen did something good for Eve. 💖


Can't wait for the next update. My curiosity is killing me. Just can get enough😅


I wonder if him not eating the mermaid has nothing to do with Eve being a mermaid but instead he just doesn't want rumor to get to Eve he ate the mermaid because he knows Eve is a caring person. That is my guess. only Author knows though.


Surprisingly Shocking chapter soo far.. I dint expect this.. huh.. Noah the duke.. hiding himself soo skillfully This is first time reading this kind with Triangle Love story of Mermaid Vampire and Werewolf .. You always Amaze me Ash_ Knight ♥️♥️


I glad he did ea on the marmaid I think he didn’t do it because of eve but he told marcelina no in a nice way so it wouldn’t ’ make her mad


Well we know he a werewolf


Ha! I knew it! Noah couldn’t be just a regular guy. I bet Eve has no idea. Idk if it’s true he can’t mermaid but he can probably smell that Eve is one and he either really likes her and pulls away because he doesn’t want to hurt her and really can eat mermaids or he’s a secret bad guy and wants to eat her alone. 😆

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See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


One of the best chapters so far Ash!!!!


May be Noah taught Eve is still there and wanted to keep maintaining the perfect image he has always portrayed.


So Noah is a werewolf.. Is that the reason why he always seemed reluctant about Eve? anyway, nice chapter. ❤️ Vincent never fails to be Eve's savior. And I love that he's always attentive when it comes to her. And him carrying Eve is a first! 😍 Slowly, slowly but we're getting there.. #teamvincent 😆


Ok… so just when I think he is disgusting werewolf, he refuses…. what is his agenda, seriously?! 🤨😂