
Comments of chapter undefined of Void Evolution System


I don't really think he is a rival neither is Katherine, as an evolver and having a class makes his growth in my opinion way faster. he has double growth that also feed in to eachother becuase if he is too weak in his class he can kill monsters way above his level using his evolved body and gets tons of xp and if he needs to evolve more he can use his high level to get good prey. I think it would be stupid if Ethan an khaterine could keep up with him.


@author if you want a rival make a legit one. this guy is cleared much weaker. as for Katherine, i am even afraid of reading that fight. he perfectly counter her: a) he can see through her illusions b) she is a ranged fighter and he can teleport. to be honest it shouldn't even be a fight. not that she is weak it's just that he counters her perfectly. what I fear is the author making that a hard fight ignoring everything.


🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬This book is for those who can keep there head cool in front of ANNOYING things like this Book and Fuktard MC who doesn't leave a single Chapter to Annoy you in anyway It's totally annoying while reading this Pice of Shi...t It was only out of Curiosity that I read till the chapter this but that was more than a Headache to read The guy (Ethan) could have been dealt with way too early in previous chapter in there first encounter but still dragged it to this much and there are many more characters that can't even hold a Candle against MC with his powers but AUTHOR still dragged it way too much and made him into who-knows-what mixture of many Irritated MC's from different platforms It's my first time I've ever encountered this type of Book in this Site And First Time Shi...t talking about a Book If anyone is Offended by reading this then 'Sorry' But that just how it annoyed me and I also got to know that not every Novel / Book is Good Even if they have a good plot Characters and a good way of Writings also matters Again 'SORRY' for those who got Offended and whatsoever.


if y'all don't like authors book, then don't read. I quite like the story this far. keep your chin up author. I honestly think this story is a gem!




Thank you for the chapter!!!


I agree with all the hate comments so far and feel that there was alot of potential in this story. the author may not be very good at planning a good story but if he couldn't plan a good one he should not have made this story if he could win the lion guy from the start why doesn't he?!?!?! the author can win so easily that the plot doesn't seem nice and I don't like when fights are narrated. I feel that the fight should have been written in a way that it is from first person view. I will continue to ensure the terrible quality of this novel for now but I have to say, the previous chapters around the dungeon arc was definitely the best. the author has truly gotten lazy and slacked off in this few chapters I really hope.he.pulls up his socks and start putting his nose to the grindstone and make us a good story with this much potential of a good plot, I hope the author rewrites or at the very least improve.


How the heck can they be equal bruh.In the first place our boy literally eat the dragon and goblin with massive muscles and wolf,his muscles should be on another level compared to a demi-human wolf type,not even bear.Yeah a great genious that heavens must look up to only won because of his mana capaticy.


yeah I can understand where all the comments are coming from. he should be completely dominating everything.