
Comments of chapter undefined of 012 [Stranger things X Male Oc]

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It's an intriguing idea having another person vanish with Will, however, it does feel a bit forced as we don't know Maverick personally whatsoever. I love Will x Male Oc stories, so I'm excited. Also, if you don't mind constructive criticism there are a few inconsistent words spelled here, and a bit too many commas. Something else, small tip if you will, don't tell the reader what the person is feeling, describe it. Like, anxious; His leg tapped the floor continuously, when he stopped his erratic pacing. Other than this stuff, I'm enjoying it!


Thank you for commenting on my story, It does feel a bit forced having another person missing along with will when you don't know much about him, But I'm also still quite an amateur at writing and still don't quite know how write detailed stories correctly. Thank you for the constructive criticism, I could use it. I'll send you going back one day and fix these mistakes. And thank you for the tip, I'll keep that in mind when writing future chapters. I'm glad that you're enjoying it, Though. I hope you will continue liking it, Thank you and Enjoy!

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Very Curious never seen a stranger things fan fic. But can’t wait to see how you are going to write this fic and what abilities 12 going to have.

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it was enjoyable but the romance between males ain't it for me, I'd they were supporting characters that are a couple i don't mind but the male lead developing a relationship with another another male is too much for me good luck tho mate