
Comments of chapter undefined of MOVIE KING IN OTHER WORLD


Can i make a small critic? This chapter feels a little weird. Specially since you only write 39 chapters, is to early to make a full recap. Also next time, you might want to change the way yo write it. Instead of telling us what the reader knows, is better to make a dialogue between characters explaining. A good example woul be a company reunion discussing all the earnings, future of the company, how the new employees are getting at. How much money did exactly enter the company and how much they lost in salaries thing like that. That way is feel less like a recap and more like ‘real’ chapter. Idk it kinda steals the immersion of the story when you are so direct. The novel is doing great mind you. Hope you keep uploading!


thank you very much for your criticism. I wrote this chapter from the 1st person point of view since new volume started. I appreciate your review since I am writing for improvement


Thanks for the chapter !!!