
Comments of chapter undefined of MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

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I want to break something. how irritating is leon's attitude, despite despising him and a naive fool who believes that everything will be resolved with time, i bet that if he does not change his attitude he will be the fall of isolde and ren


This whole thing is kinda dumb. Ren wants to make it up to Leo for the past but offers no Help to Roz. He knows they can make tons from info and book but says nothing. Leo trades millions for a no kick clause? Even seeing how Scar is acting and the "if he leaves on his own" comment... Isolde makes no comments about anything at all? Too much forced stupidity or inaction. Why is Ren letting people get profit from his information and why is he letting even scar take advantage of him?

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Leonel is still simping.

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Roz need a Hug, Leonel needs a Hug, Ren needs alone time from Drama, the Manly Girl needs help, everyone else in the Game can get Murk 100 tomes over.

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I just want to slap Mike silly, and Saya is just useless, grow a backbone. thanks for the chapters

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I think that could be the wake up call for Leo, he def needed one


Oi oi this is boiling my blood. If leonel was a real person I would've kicked his balls to give him a reality check. The sheer and utter stupidity👀😑 has its limit, bruh that's a crystal chest. Bloody simp. Dude change it. Author it's annoying to death. Stop thisssss.


if there is one more time stupid thing like this i will drop the novel -...-


Sorry to say that but at this point the story would be way better whithout leonell he better change fast and get that book back to make up for his stupidity because at this point he is just a useless leach to ren and worse of al he constantly try to bring annoying characters back when its obvious that ren don't want to talk to them anymore 😮‍💨 sorry just need to bring out my frustration its sucks to see an interesting book becoming so bad

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Leonel is really a good person and those ungrateful people is keep stomping him I hope they met there end soon

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wait so Leonel gave scar an item that is equivalent to a million dollars? why didn't Leonel just sell it and give the money to Roz? just tell scar that he can buy it at a price. why did Leonel give it to scar for basically free? the black lion guild can just make Roz life miserable or go back on their word and kick him regardless. it's fine for Leonel to be nice and selfless but why is he so braindead.


*sigh... have u read their convo? even f leo believes ren he was sill hesitant. he only believed him 100% when the money was already there and i skip that minor plot about ren convincing leo since t doesnt contribute to the story much. i instead wrte in their dialogue another exam. leo told roz about t. did he believed him? no.