
Comments of chapter undefined of MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist


if no one ever became an alchemist and he doesn't know anyone how does he know the advancement path.


yes how do MC know alchemist is the last tier if even no one got that. even worse it it from arcanist branch. it like a sure answer with armor plot by author.

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Good writing so far, potential is there too. Just a suggestion, he should try to build a secret guild that collects information since he likes to collect information in his last life undercover as maybe a merchant guild.

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It's really funny that in all the vrmmo novels, the games are always horribly designed lol. I was thinking that alchemist was going to be separate from his combat leveling class, like a job class and he'd have knowledge of op recipes and so on because of the regression. This is also fine, but I hoped he would be creating things at the start of the game as he goes rather than end game. Will see how it goes.

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Arcanist - Scholar - Alchemist. The progression of this subclass is really weird. It feels like you wanted your MC to have the abilities from the Arcanist and Scholar subclasses, meaning the ability to use skills and spells regardless of race or class as well as the appraisal skill, but you still want him to be an Alchemist. To do this, you had to force the three into a linear advancement system so that one advanced to the next without taking up his main class… not that it’s a bad thing, it just feels weird. I’m not you and there’s no reason you should take this as anything but the opinion of someone online. I really do like the way you started this story, but it could be so much better if you fixed certain things. For example you stated that none of the players originally cared about the race they chose, which lead many to recreate their characters later on. Except, the way you built the game FORCES people to think about the race they were choosing if they wanted to get the class they preferred, since classes are race locked. It’s either one or the other, did people not care about their race, or were they forced to choose a specific race to get the class they wanted. The shrewdness of the game company doesn’t really make much sense from a business perspective either. They would be loosing millions from their choices, especially the choice not to advertise when the game would launch. Now, back to what I was saying up top. If I were the author, which I’m not, but roll with me on this, I would have just had Arcanist be the natural progression of his main mage class and Scholar be the subclass he chose, which could then advance to Chemist or something before advancing to Alchemist (which makes a lot more sense in my mind than Alchemist being the final progression of Arcanist). If you wanted to keep his main class free to advance in another direction, you could have him figure out a way to unlock a second subclass. This way he gets to keep the skills you mentioned and still have the classes progress in a more natural manner.

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btw I think you used the word unanimous instead of anonymous

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Its decent so far but the author should probably never go anywhere near game designing

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✨♥✨ .'* "。 THANK 💛 :、 YOU 💗 *"+ ':、 🎩 \���� 🎓 🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁 ─── Foя тнє cнαpтєя ──────── from Jack

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which novel is this 1: monogamy relationship novel=1 girl 2: polygamy relationship novel= 2 girls 3: harem relationship novel= 2 to more girls. I am asking because some authors didn't consider polygamy as a harem so that is why I am asking.

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100% the author is going to forget about the need to remake an account to get acces to rarer sub-class...

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is there a blacksmith class?? if the alchemist had it already in their arsenal, what's the difference?? hope to find out!! waku~ waku~💥

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nice building

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See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair

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good going author san. I have added it in my library

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great going.. hope u can give steady and regular updates..i hope u can clear these problems i found 1. 1 hr in real is 1 day game - then how can he play when he leaves the pod to go to fate academy or anywhere else in real life which mean not being for 12-14 hours ..u r practically asking to play for 24x7 2. wanting wealth but unable to hide - the wont the guilds just capture you or ur parents to make u forced labourers..hiding his identity using artifacts is the first thing he should do..Also not to forget this roni can just give away info to others as he will try to find who u r online (i mean he will ask what u have been doing all day right)


It's a great story so far but i find it odd how few classes are listed in each race

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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I love these story. and it amaze me... good and smart Ren. sounds cool bro

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is a sprite smaller than the regular races?