
Comments of chapter undefined of THE GÀMER : IN THE MULTIVERSE ( AU )


I feel sorry for you, for bad review like this. It’s not possible to dissable revient or comment? I really love it, but I’m not good to give review or comment to improve it


Good afternoon, I am a reader who has been reading this novel since I started and I can say that I support your decision to abandon this project, being sincere I finished watching the most recent chapters as a routine, the truth is that I did not enjoy them as much as the previous ones, my opinion It is that instead of creating a god from the beginning, you feel like being a character with a small background and small problems because otherwise it will end the same as this novel where you will feel the rush you have to finish writing a chapter when you have no ideas.. .. thanks for your effort and dedication enjoy what you wrote.🌹


No por favor está bueno yo que lo espero y me decís que se va a caer, no me la contes


love this story please don't give up


I love this story and what's ur patron name?


I understand this guy's criticism, this story was above average, with fun and different ideas, like in how many novels do you see mc becoming a god of life? in most the mc becomes a god with D, or a demon. but after his decision to eliminate all that universe that the mc was in, the story became very confused and rushed until, in the whole chapter the mc goes somewhere and out of nowhere someone segas to kill him, looking like those series with weekly villains. another problem is the ages of the characters, you probably wanted to take advantage of the fact that your mc has already had a whole period of growth, and now focus on the secondary characters. but it wasn't very well done, and extremely rushed, especially when you put that passive of attracting strange people, this was one of the worst mistakes you made in this second part of the novel. with that, there was almost no development in the characters, with that character from akame ga kill being the most outrageous example I can give. The character literally appeared in a chapter, and you in the next one happened a time skip of 1 YEAR, not explaining anything. but in conclusion, I think you should not have done this second part. it didn't need an omniverse, it simply focused more on developing the secondary characters, and for the finalization of the novel, the mc could become an entity at or below the level of comic marvel entities, such as death or infinity.


Não faça isso eu amo esta fic e queria que ela continuasse ignore este babaca que não merece a sua atenção ele só ta com inveja que voce pode fazer uma novel e tem leitores diários e ele esta com ciumes como um hater que ele é as vezes tem pessoas que só querem criticar quando estão coçando o saco na frente de uma tela gordo e fudido entao ignore e siga em frente por que se voce parar por causa desta pedrinha no caminho uma vez vai dar tendencia a mais


I just wanna say that i will support whatever decision you make sir and you have my stones regardless


La verdad se volví muy confuso en alguna parte de la historia solo lamento no poder leer el final de esto

