
Comments of chapter undefined of THE GÀMER : IN THE MULTIVERSE ( AU )

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In my opinion I’m greatly enjoying the story! And if they arnt enjoying it then sucks to be them no one forced them to read this story. this is your story, your world that you are building, and as such you can write it what ever way you want to.

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Well... I like the novel, and I see how you have progressed grammatically from the first chapter witch is good. Your writing is good and become better. The story is good and easy to read

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I will admit at first it was a rough start with the story but as you can do that better and better and I've come greatly enjoy every chapter you come out so I'm here to tell you don't listen to any of their b******t they just want to put something there to make them sound smart or let them know where they're talking about they don't know a d*** thing if you love what you do with the story and keep doing it I for one will be here 100% supporting you

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I really like it please don’t drop!

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I like this novel screw those that don’t

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Hater going to hate don’t give them the time of the day. your true fans love you story and hope you carry on with it.

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don't listen to them they just like to find a few things they dont like and then act like its the end of the world and call everything terrible plus the ones that complain dont ever make thier own stories to show that they can do better. while on the other hand there a some of us who honestly look forward to the next chapters just keep doing your best on doing your best and the one that enjoy your fanfic will continue to support you.

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first off I want to say thank you for the chapters and the story that you have made so far. and now for the comment that those people made they are just haters that just want to ruin your passion for your work and end up dropping this fanfiction which I truly hope you do not.

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Bro this is a great novel please keep it going

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I really love it, i will be sad if it end here, but we can do nothing with bad comment

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I have loved your work and really liked the way you portray the characters given the circumstances, ignore the hate and keep working. Focus on the supportive readers.

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Some people just hate to hate when they could just stop reading and go to another fic. I like both of your stories and I've been here since the beginning, they have some problems but, there's not a story on this website or any other that doesn't. At least you're improving with time, unlike some people who don't know how hard it is to write. Keep up the good work and try to only really pay attention to the constructive criticism that people who want to help you out give. If you like to write then keep on writing and people will be here to read it.


This is actually a really good fix on this app of “oh I insta op ,now I god” so don’t stop bro the fact that you have haters means your successful


This is heat dont drop


Your story is fun and You constantly improve your writing. If someone is annoying tell them to write something good I bet that they can't produce even 2 pages... If We speak about plot holes than look at original stories (professional ) like HP, Eragon.. .

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Lol if only they saw a reincarnation ff where the Mc is weaker than original characters even tho he has system they would be glad with this one. Well don't care about them they didn't point out why they don't like the ff .

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Yo creo creo que esos comentarios siempren van a estar pero tu deverias dejarlo de lado e ignorarlos aunque sea dificil, aparte hay un monton de personas que le gusta tu trabajo incluyendome sigue subiendo esta historia que es muy buena y todos lo saben. Nunca te rindas crack.

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my only advice is don't listen to their nonsense

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I have enjoy your efforts and I feel you have created a really good environment that draws me in, so I'm excited for every new chapter.

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Author please continue to write this FF and please continue to provide on this website your writing if fine and enjoy.