
Comments of chapter undefined of SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

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I really like this story it's very well put together even though the begining felt somewhat slow to me, but that's just me because I'm used to reading some of the badly and fastly explained stuff on some of the other novels on this app. This new arc has kept me more interested though. i paused reading the story after he left the academy since I like to binge read and this story is one that needs a lot of chapters to truly enjoy, one chapter is good but gets me mad because I want more. I don't know what happens after this point but I would really like if he delved more into spell craft or came up with new ideas with it. I'm in love with mcs that seek knowledge in everything from plants to metals and stuff like that, so I would like if there was a small bit in the story where he creates something for himself maybe integrating it with spell craft or his cores. Something along those lines I would enjoy, but so far it hasn't been necessary. Overall the story is great, keep going!

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sounds like you have a lot to do author 👀👀😆 I'll meet you in future chapters then

Magecrafter:Thank you very much for your feedback At the current point in the story, Jared is discovering new sources of power. Mana and Miasma aren't the only kind that exist. Plus, with the Arcanas at play, there's a lot of mysteries to unfold. Research. Investigation. Invention. Adventure. Yeah, it's a lot.

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Why does it feel that Neron was conned big time by serah in their youth? Did she play with his emotions when they were students and he is wary of her ever since?

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seeing that jared has grown a lot in terms of power, too quickly rather, however it seems he needs a little bit more development in his character as a person who vowed to be different from his past self To be precise, there needs to be more support from the cast around him, even if it is little, to show Jared is evolved from a loner In essence, everyone in his inner circle , except Neron, requires power up to be helpful in the story or be involved more explicitly- one or more chapter dedicated to characters like Anna's development, Ed's journey or even his grandfather's thoughts on the upcoming war. Chapters focusing on other characters would make the world feel alive, a prime choice might be the thoughts of Jared's father. Currently everything is from Jared's perspective , all we need is different perspectives on the world itself

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I'd like some flash backs to the original life. Hope that's planned.

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to be honest i like the magic theories, but what about biological theory for martial arts?

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would have preferred typing this in paragraph comment but I wanted to read the whole chapter first.These type of scenarios are what destroy many stories or novels. Basically power system already built gets crumbled. Like we know Neron is OP, and so is Jerad. Honestly, with the power he has shown, and you suddenly say that female grandmage is 10x stronger??? It damages already made power system built for the world you have made. There is no fun in all that, its just really bad.

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Honestly this story is amazing but I don’t want it to follow the basic trend of all the girls fall in love but the MC never chooses anyone. I don’ even care if he chooses a few he’s the son of a Duke afterall.

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I think you're going in the right direction. I like the grow of the main character. The speed of each climax is OK. [img=recommend]

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Personally I think this is a fantastic story with really cool ideas. Anti-magic was a fun idea, though it seems to put people on an equal playground in their lack of magic, but would then go to the physicaly superior fighter who is better trained, unless he can use some form of magic while his oppenet can’t. The magical technology is also very fun to read, and the familiars make for some exciting posabilities I would love to read more about. I also like the comparison between him and his teacher between raw power and incredable efficiency of a lot of power. Though it does make me curious of the eventual power scaling and how he can stand among the magical titans if he took 100 years to get where he is now. I would also love to see how his sword skills have progressed as well as more orginal spells from him, born from a literal lifetime of magical study. Maybe something like a Railgun spell, a gattiling like gun spell which would shoot a spell matrix over and over again at insain speeds. If that women is so much more powerful than him, I am curious how he could bridge that gap in a short amount of time, or if she and his teacher will always be leagues ahead of him. Overall the story is great and fanstatic fun, though expensive to read with Webnovel’s system, though i will drop a review.

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Sometimes I think that the magic scale suddenly got destroyed. I mean, now everyone is reaching the highly difficult golden core, and suddenly everyone is ultramega powerful. Seems like the balance is lost.

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i refuse to believe sarah is stronger than neron and also 10 times stronger than jared seems a stretch i think he's playing a prank or overestimating her but yea ig well meet the grand mages now so excited for that.

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time to collect research from the great sages hahaaa.