
Comments of chapter undefined of SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

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The novel disappointed me a lot in the last chapters. When original magic was presented, it gave the impression that a mage created original magic as the culmination of all his lived experience and knowledge he had acquired about magic. The impression I had is that if someone aged 20 could create an original magic, he would already be considered a prodigy. However, original magic became something simple that any child with the title of prodigy can create, which made me extremely disappointed. If you can't understand, then look at it from the following point of view, you can find prodigies who play the piano or violin like professionals at the age of 12-14, but you don't see these same prodigies compose music at the level of a Beethoven symphony , because to compose a song like that requires much more than being a prodigy, you also need experience, which a child doesn't have. See, the MC is a prodigy, look how far he's gotten without even having mana and even then, even though he's lived a lifetime until old age and is specialized in theory, that is, having enough knowledge, he still hasn't created an original magic , however 12-14 year olds already have one. This simply defies logic and makes the work lose a lot of quality.


Exactly why I dropped this. Way too many inconsistencies. If you've read further, can you tell me if it gets better?

Lucas_Sousa_7129:To me everything you said would justify them only using Magic Mode being kids, but not original magic. I will use what was written in the work itself as an argument, in chapter 25 the original magic was described as "...it signaled the maturity and growth of magic-user, as well as their resourcefulness. The combination of both mana capacity and research. ...". In the cited cases they have talent, potential and special abilities, however they still lack maturity, growth and finally research, it needs time and age to achieve such things and they cannot be justified only with "they are mutants".

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It's so much easier to enjoy this novel if i don't read the comments.

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ngl I think the girl is a stupid character. especially if her and Jerry or whatever his name is has the history I think they do together. but I will hold off on my complete opinion until I know more.

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No! *about the Castle part*