
Comments of chapter undefined of The Innkeeper


Chapters locked from now on‚ sad


he's definitely protagonist material in several ways


Where can I continue reading this?


I don't really want to leave a review yet, since I haven't read the entire novel or at least caught up to date, so I'll just state my thoughts on it here. 1. Writing Quality(4.25/5). Very few grammar issues. Unique dialogue for each character. The main problem I see with the dialogue is that the characters tend to ramble on and on. Feels a bit unnatural. Also, for a webnovel, the paragraphs are quite long. There are quite a few walls of text and a lot of pseudo-info-dumping. However, you do make it up for longer chapters, so it's a trade-off. 2. Worldbuilding (4/5). Hard to tell right now, as you've been jumping around a lot. 1st 10 chapters were about the inn, the next 10 were about Earth, the next 10 were about that new world, and then the last was more about interpersonal relationships. I think it'd be better if you picked one and focused on it for a while before switching to another, but this isn't a huge problem. Just kind of disturbs the flow a bit. 3. Characters/Character Development (?/5) Not enough info to go off of. I'm not a fan of the MC. Rather, I don't really love any of the characters. Marlo is fine, probably the best one in the novel (not saying much), but it feels like he's had more screen time than the actual MC. Anyway, people say the MC is an idiot because of the tumor, so I'll hold off judgment for now. As for the rest... I don't know. In 40 chapters, you've introduced a whole bunch of characters, but we know next to nothing about them. I know you did that on purpose, so it's hard to criticize you for it. I just wish we had known more about their background or limits when you introduced them. That's why I feel like Marlo is the best. He's by far the most complex. 4. Update Stability (5/5) Not caught up, so this doesn't matter to me yet. 5. Plot (3/5, maybe less). If I'm judging it based on the expectations the novel gives, then it's a 2/5. We come into this thinking that it's going to be about an Innkeeper in a cultivation world, but then in chapter 10, it switches. Instead of an Innkeeper in a Cultivation World, it's about a Cultivator who happens to own an Inn. While that's not necessarily bad, I feel like I've been tricked. However, if I'm judging this on the actual plot rather than my expectations... I'd probably still give it a 2/5. Maybe 3/5 if I take into account the slow pacing and I'm in a good mood. There really isn't much of a plot. The MC has no ambitions or dreams. He's more of a side character in his own story than the actual side characters. Getting stronger and upgrading the Inn can hardly be classified as ambitions. Even if they are, they are fairly vague and shallow. It's more of a result/outcome rather than an ambition. Therefore, the plot is reduced to "Do System missions.", "Get strong enough to do System missions.", "I almost died, so I need to get stronger.", "Get stronger to upgrade the Inn, to obtain better System Missions." He's a passive character that has yet to take control of his life. Therefore, the plot is passive and very reactive. He's honestly not that interesting. Everything around him is 10x more interesting than him. He's like a dog. He'll only do something if you tell him to or if his life is at stake. Otherwise, he won't do it. Again, the tumor thing, but I'd rather not have to read 200 chapters before he finally acts like the MC of a novel. This isn't me just saying this because I prefer instantly overpowered characters either. No, I want the characters I'm reading to have setbacks. However, I want those setbacks to be a result of their own actions. Maybe they offend the wrong person and almost die because of it. Or, he had to deal with family issues, causing him to be unable to train as much, thus he couldn't win a competition. Those are decent examples of a proactive MC. He doesn't have to be strong, he just needs to take control of his life. That's all I have for now. My opinions might change as a read more. Anyways, thanks for the chapters!


Another cliche has been introduced in these last few chapters :/ every side character (not saying unimportant, just saying non-MC) either has a system or is a heaven defying genius millions of worlds might not even see. I actually dislike this cliche even more than the family one.. since family one gets one arc of major conflict at most. The MC constantly coincidently meeting heaven defying is not one and done though. Really a shame. I’ll give this 10 more chapters since baring these cliches I really do like the novel and it’s premise is unique (at least out of the other novels I’ve read). I really cant see myself sticking with it though. Every time I want to get invested in this novel the cliches pull me out :/


I love this chapter




Thanks for the chapters 🤠🐱


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza


nice chapter


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza




Such stupid behavior. What if he wasnt returned to the inn immediately? He would be dead then.