
Comments of chapter undefined of After My Fake Death, Ex-Husband Begs Me To Remarry


hope xiangwan will never accept his love or forgiveness! he so cruel! he didn't deserve her... hope she can find a better man... for me beiting treat her like animal! he is abusive... kick her slap her even when she still pregnant he even kick her! I can't accept that person in my life ever again! he take her kidney to donate to his mistress so now that xiangwan is dead why should he felt guilty he should be happy he should marry su think both heartless couple were match each other! crueless heartless! poor for unborn child! hope xiangwan remember that how cruelest beiting has done to her! xiangwan u must be firm! u as a women must have dignity & u should have some respect for urself! don't so soft heart with the cruel people like ur husband!