
Comments of chapter undefined of My Hollywood System


Please stop trying to develop june in this direction... you lost your chance to make her a equal long ago. Just focus on film making please.


The story would have been better without a romantic intrest...June is sure moving to Sakura tier in my book i dont even know why she just feels annoying somehow.


He needs protection from his own stupidity 😂😂


When are you going to get back to the actual Movie making aspect of this story, it's been literally 9 chapters of random stabbings, fight scenes and drama for no apparent reason.


does she even have skills to become a filmmaker ? This development leaving bad taste . off putting chapter ..Give her at least char development ..


while some are hoping that June gets some character development I feel like like it's too late since most already are done with her character and just want her gone same with me... she's easily reached Sakura type levels bro


Its too cringe i cant understanf this. Nearly all fanfics have this If a person is close to mc she-he has to be special.... She doesnt have any special thing She isnt clever or too beautiful She is just mc"s gf and she want to stand near will like equal lul And writer gives her "brilliant idea to get money" Just make her die in car accident or When she gets rich make her leave will pls


I know that this is a fantasy novel but 'pretend' to atleast make it be more realistic. Will became successful because he has the system, but June becoming a successful filmmaker don't make sense. She didn't study filmmaking, she didn't have the system, and don't tell me that she is a naturally gifted filmmaker that we have yet to know.


Honestly, the quality of the story has been dropping. Like it's way too late&early to just now want to start giving the female lead some character development to this extent. She's was barely out of her "I need to be an exact equal in career choice" phase for it to jump like this. A way more realistic choice would have been her opening an agency, accepting her inferiority complex, use those connections to help other women and build up prestige/merit. Maybe open a studio after. You could have made her into an awesome female activist. Not like ones we mostly see today that ruin alot of great things. This development feels too forced. It's not that I hate June, but this makes me feel like I should.


hopefully we finally get back to the movie making process of this fic instead since this is why we're here... we did not come to this fic to listen to June a character with no development since the beginning... she's another Sakura at this point


Author, I hope you give June a proper character development. Because if I remember June the first thing comes to my mind a woman trying to be independent. Looking forward to the next chapter ❤️. Thanks for the chapter ❤️.


June ambition is going to nowhere. I just want them done. Their relationship really don't have impact. June doesn't really have special quality , being female lead you need to be unique. Will is special because he reincarnated and have a system. I don't really know why she keep thinking that she want to be on par with Will which is clearly impossible. She doesn't admit that she have inferiority complex. I just can't relate to her.


I think it's too little too late to save June's character. The author left her out of the bigger part of the story, and that was a major mistake. If you want us to care about the FL, then you should give us reasons to care. She barely outgrew her phase of feeling inferior to Will, and now she suddenly wants to open a studio to film movies? And an agency to hire potential underappreciated talents? Does the author even realise how much effort it took Will to open those, even with the help of the system? If we find out that June is apparently a genius filmmaker and businesswoman, then why the heck haven't we seen her showcase those characteristics so far? And please, for the love of God, decide what she is. Is she an independent and proud woman who wants to prove her worth with her own hands, or is she a businesswoman who is willing to do anything to succeed? Because she went from not wanting to join Will's agency so as to not get her success associated with him, to planning to use him and his connections to achieve her goal. I know that people are complex beings, but if she makes decisions with such a sharp contrast to her character, then we should see the moment when her perspective was shifted to allow such a change.


The June thing is a waste of time. Amanda is a better character.


I'm really starting to hate June


still hoping june and will would broke up. since i think she's using him. like for real tho.


Thanks for the chapter. Bruh, how can you say no to Wing Chun?

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People really need to stop hating June I mean it's July people, stop living in the past


Jezz...So much hate for June again, you guy need to calm the f down about her. She wants to be independent and stand on her own feet and that's enough to want her dead? Jesus...


As much as I love the story,it’s hard to find a author who can actually write a valid romance story in a action/drama oriented novel. For the most part the story is good but the romance just ruins the whole vibe for me.