
Comments of chapter undefined of Forced Bride Of The Vampire Lord

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she should choose who she's loves(Rafi) and leave poor luci to find someone else he's still a boy.

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Rafael wait for her way too long. He was loyal to her without mentioning he suffer for her. Lucian can find someone else.

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I think Raffi. Lucian is just a boy who is infatuated with Hazel. However, Hazel/Bella should not make it so easy for Rafael. She should make him chase her and love her no matter she is Bella or Hazel. Thanks 🙏 dear author for the wonderful story. :)

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I think she should pick Rafael. He loves her even as Hazel and has been torn that he wanted her, even though he is devoted to Bella. He needs to come clean and at the same time, she needs to be honest with him. He has spent all those years waiting for her as she asked. It would be very sad if she would let it slip by after everything they’ve been through.


Rafi for sure! I don’t entirely trust Lucian but at least Raph is consistent and I want to see what happens when Bella forces him to admit he loves both she and Hazel

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I hope Hazel will still choose Rafael. He undoubtedly loves Bella and successfully proven that through the test of time. But, our dear author please don't make it easy for Rafael. Let him chase the hard way. Will Rafael willingly leave Hazel in the Human Empire if he knows that she is his Bella? that Lucian is madly in love with her?

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Definitely Raffi!

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Rafael, of course. It's only pride if she doesn't... Choosing the witch when she doesn't love him is stupid.

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I don’t even know if I can choose! They both have their flaws, but in the end it’s just got to be Raphael right?!

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As I'm reading this late my answer doesnt matter but i have a few ideas. I'm not sure how much is Hazle and how much is Bella in her body or rather her soul, but it sometimes sounds as if they are two different people so if Bella is such a strong witch and has her sister to support to it would almost be a nice idea to split her so that Hazle could go with Lucian and start a new life without any burden and Bella could live with Rafael, also i would feel bad for Hazle since she also love Rafel, so difficult 😱 Also i do want to strangle Rafael for beeing a fool, so there could be some self protection in his choice as he must have been disappointed many times not finding Bella. She should at least make him work for beeing with her. I feel bad for Lucian getting hurt if she goes with Rafael but I think its not fair she goes with him neither as Bella nor as Hazle because neither loves him like they love Rafael it would hurt Lucian in the long run and would make him doubt her feelings eventually if she goes with him. It would be better for him to end the relationship before it even began. Right now the best choice for her would probably be to go with neither of them, live her life alone and see what the future would bring either way. But as I'm a person who likes to listen to my heart I want her to choose Rafale. ♥️

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She deserves a guy who will love her for herself. As much as I want Rafael to wake the heck up and just love hazel for who she is, i am not sure he will sadly.

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Rafael must stay with her. He is her eternal love. Together they will bring peace to the lands...eventually that is. Separated will only doom them and the lands. Chaos would ensue beyond saving anyone and their world. I vote Rafi!

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Lucian. her life with Rafeal is over, As the s Bellas life. its Hazel life now

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She should pick herself. Be crowned Empress and rule over a land that accepts all. Lucian her knight and send Raf packing.


There should be a way that rah know that she is truly Bella

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Yesssss so exciting! You got my vote for sure. Keep up the good work. We appreciate your talents.


I vote for lucian ! Although rafAel has waited for her, but as she said he only looks back and is obsessed with the idea of her and cAnt see whats in froNt of him, iDk 🤷‍♀️


Rafael of course, he loved her twice!

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