
Comments of chapter undefined of Shadow Slave

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Thanks for the chapter


Using mirrors for calling Mordret like a 911 call is hilarious 😂 😂

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Author, I would like to point something out. A long long time ago, we found a map in the ebony tower. I believe it was previously referenced in a recent chapter. this map showed each of the Deamons approximate citadels seemingly in reference to eachother. But, we have also learned that the Spell has been going from.... planet? dimension? let's say Realm to Realm. it has been growing, learning, perfecting it's art. It was said that the Spell has taken peices of these worlds and incorporated them into the dream Realm.... if that is the case,we're the citadels originally from the different realms? if so, how was the map created? Were all of the Deamons originally inhabiting the dream Realm? if so, why would the Sun God visit divine retribution on Hope from a whole Realm away, and what parts is the spell bringing over? that's my current conundrum with the Realm scenerio. next is just my a theory on the weaver/sunny front. if hope is to be believed, and the Deamons are the flaws of the gods, then what would a flaw reversing mask do to them? if putting it on removed their existence, the mask would fall off and the once again would exist. But as we have learned there is more than one way to "erase" an existence. We have followed the "fated" as the Spell calls him, Sunny, as he has traveled the dream Realm, and with every step we have seen him following the steps of weaver. it is like his journey shadows the journey of weaver. collecting the fragments of weavers power almost as if weaver left them their himself. Now, let's say weavers mask erased the "flaw" (weaver) from the weav of fate. Wouldn't Sunny's "Fateless" tag be just another step in following the path weaver has laid out? would becoming "Fateless" be just another aspect of his fate? Now lets add in the possibility that every deamon had their citadel in a separate Realm. The God's and Deamons being in contact with eachother would show the ability to traverse these realms. Something that appears only Supremes and above can accomplish, even that is with the help of the spell. but, how would you put a sleeper onto this path from the start? by pulling into one Realm all the steps he would need to take, so he wouldn't need to traverse the realms, as the realms have come to him. Further extrapolating, how would you honor the memory of your father who was betrayed by his siblings and caused to go mad, while still preserving the life he created? The other realms have fallen to the spell, and now only War and Dream Remain. the people of War were made for this fight, but they fight not for War, but for the Dream. The stage has been set. even if the Spell is defeated in the end, Weaver has already won. just posting in here for more visibility. lol


ahh the calm before the storm


I dunno, I kinda want the adventures of rain to keep going, but something tells me we're about to make some progress on nephis pov. .... guess it doesn't matter, since it'll be awesome, whatever it is ^-^


The PAIN of one chapter…


I really like the path this is taking us. Nephis wanted to destroy the nightmare spell, Cassie systematically changing fate, and Sunny breaking free from fate (of course in an unpredictable way). He is now creating a new way to assent via Rain and himself which will most likely be the future. Weaver created the nightmare spell to fast forward humanity survival and Sunny will need to do the rest.


Am i crazy, or just out of mind, thinking it would be kind of super cool, if Fiend could manage to bite a piece of flesh and bone out of Skinwalker, just to evolve. just so Sunny can get his own Version of Mordret.

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Damnation, I need more chapters. Thanks for the chapter!

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I keep telling myself I'm going to stop reading so I can build chapters again. You're making this really hard, Guilty.


Just me casually waiting for the cassie sunny cliff hanger to be addressed 🫠

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I really like that they've been able to form a relationship.


so, the Queen builds her army of the dead as time goes on. i guess the controlled dead can do more/will have more then simple physical strengh but will have less spirituality(?) then Sunnys shadows (no soul, probably even less awarness then echos) beast master controls the living beasts and makes them do work (and lets them fight probably) mordy plays the local instant police force around Ravenheart and acts as soon as a thread is identified inside the castle/City from the description so far i would say Song found a rather clever way to use their Saints powers for the daily work and security.

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Not having a mirror on the house would be difficult. Mordret is spying on everyone all the time 😬

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Thank you for the chapter Guiltythree !

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Another great chapter.


This just popped into my head but, for a book about shadows, there has been very little mention of any beyond the main character. Were are all the shadow users?Were are all the shadow clans/groups or cults? More information on Shadow God or anything shadow related period. 🤔



See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


Goodnight everyone!