
Comments of chapter undefined of Shadow Slave

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Thanks for the chaoter

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I'm enjoying these Rain POVs a lot more than i thought i would the interactions between Rain and Sunny make for a fun read and I kinda hope she gets strong quick I would love the see the sibling duo fight side by side, and it's good that Sunny finally realizes how dense he is

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Both are oblivious to people hitting on them 😂


How long until she awakens? I mean Sunny could just give her all the essence shard’s she needs. And don’t y’all start with she needs training. She’s been training for the last 4 years.😑


I love the Rain pov. I can't wait for her to awaken. i have a feeling when Sunny gets back to valor and is introduced to the cohort again while wearing the mask. Effies son Ling is gonna tackel him calling him uncle sunny like in the café blowing his cover. gonna be something like the intuition of children.


early chapters? oooh, I feel spoiled.

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Everyone seems to want a faster pace (Rain awokening, Sunny and nephis ship ect..) while i am fully invested by this slower pace full of wold building, comedy with Rain, action with Nephis and bitterness in Bastion. Thank you G3, you innovate with 3 pov, take all the time you want. After all we've been through, much needed !


Bless the soul of the first guy that has a crush on her, the dude won't live long


well people are no longer scare out of there minds of sunny, so they have been more aggressively flirting. he finally picked up just how many woman liked him. but it took judging his sister love life for sunny to realise. ow!

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it's absolutely questionless how this masterpiece is #1 golden ranking by a long shot. dang, I love reading this story

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I love this book so much


Early chapters 😍

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Can we just get a rain power fantasy? let her form her core and become the main character and we’ll watch as she rises through the ranks with the guidance of her mysterious teacher 😎

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rain pov is definitely nice, I think the arc should have started with this pov, but I think g3 switched it with the cafe just to set up a joke, but it's still well done.


Doesn’t Rain feel weird when Sunny calls them siblings when she she thinks he is some ghost/ancestor/random NPC

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“There’s no one prettier than my little sister.” TRUTH!!!!! Teaching her how to fight and survive. Leading her on the path of natural ascension. Letting her know that she’s beautiful
Sunny is a great older brother. And I though I couldn’t possibly love this dude/book more. Keep it coming Guilty3

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oh i love it. 😘😘😘 G3 the best Cook for words. thank you for this incredible chapters. please please more of it.


Author, I would like to point something out. A long long time ago, we found a map in the ebony tower. I believe it was previously referenced in a recent chapter. this map showed each of the Deamons approximate citadels seemingly in reference to eachother. But, we have also learned that the Spell has been going from.... planet? dimension? let's say Realm to Realm. it has been growing, learning, perfecting it's art. It was said that the Spell has taken peices of these worlds and incorporated them into the dream Realm.... if that is the case,we're the citadels originally from the different realms? if so, how was the map created? Were all of the Deamons originally inhabiting the dream Realm? if so, why would the Sun God visit divine retribution on Hope from a whole Realm away, and what parts is the spell bringing over? that's my current conundrum with the Realm scenerio. next is just my a theory on the weaver/sunny front. if hope is to be believed, and the Deamons are the flaws of the gods, then what would a flaw reversing mask do to them? if putting it on removed their existence, the mask would fall off and the once again would exist. But as we have learned there is more than one way to "erase" an existence. We have followed the "fated" as the Spell calls him, Sunny, as he has traveled the dream Realm, and with every step we have seen him following the steps of weaver. it is like his journey shadows the journey of weaver. collecting the fragments of weavers power almost as if weaver left them their himself. Now, let's say weavers mask erased the "flaw" (weaver) from the weav of fate. Wouldn't Sunny's "Fateless" tag be just another step in following the path weaver has laid out? would becoming "Fateless" be just another aspect of his fate? Now lets add in the possibility that every deamon had their citadel in a separate Realm. The God's and Deamons being in contact with eachother would show the ability to traverse these realms. Something that appears only Supremes and above can accomplish, even that is with the help of the spell. but, how would you put a sleeper onto this path from the start? by pulling into one Realm all the steps he would need to take, so he wouldn't need to traverse the realms, as the realms have come to him. Further extrapolating, how would you honor the memory of your father who was betrayed by his siblings and caused to go mad, while still preserving the life he created? The other realms have fallen to the spell, and now only War and Dream Remain. the people of War were made for this fight, but they fight not for War, but for the Dream. The stage has been set. even if the Spell is defeated in the end, Weaver has already won.

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The past few POVs shows how great the story's lore is... i would love to read spinoffs of many characters... Eg; jets ascension or effie's awakening for example... Shadow slave have so much potential to grow beyond just the current main storyline....and that is so tantalizing to imagine


The need for more is too strong in this epic tale!


So I was wondering if Rain remembers nephis, cas, night or Effie, she could but idk. The bird stole Sunny’s fate, but how does that effect things that have happened? they said the demon of antartaca(misspelled tf outta that) movie was made but not attributed to any one person. what about nephis movie thing? Is Sunny’s charcter still in it? What about the endless spring? Does Cassie just think it disappeared ? I feel like sunny must have left a massive hole in everyone’s memories. I think the best example is the people who sunny killed in the forgotten shore, such as harper(I think his name was) and the creeper guy and Casper. Who do they think killed them, Casper is hard to give someone else the credit, outwards he was on the team and I think only sunny and cas knew what he was up to. It’s canon that nephis remembers events sunny was there for without him. Like her and cas at the tree. The bird just wiped his presence in their minds right? So Going back to rain for a second, why couldn’t she remember Effie and neph and everyone else she met? She was still there meeting them she just doesn’t remember sunny being there? I Guess you could say that she had no reason to be there except sunny so she had to forget everything that he caused? That would make since except then u got cas and her whole floating chains arch/breaking out mordret? She did it all for sunny! Anyways I just don’t get how they don’t see a glaring problem with their memories, it’s Confusing