
Comments of chapter undefined of Shadow Slave


G3 can you please put a trigger warning on the chapter if something happens to the baby? I know it’s a spoiler but after knowing Ephie and the cohort for almost from the beginning don’t think I can read that and be ok. G3 PLEASE use a trigger warning


This please. Lots of people out here with serious trauma from losing their baby would be thankful, for sure.


Hmm, I wonder if having labor in the void of the tomb might actually be the saving grace for this circumstance. You can’t be a riverborn if you’re not born in the river. What are you cooking G3?

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What if the child is born... inside the locket? That would probably be vastly preferrable to risking it being a Riverborn, right?


Kai on mordret =


Wondering if this is where the story of the Outsider and her daughter begins… Magic boat? ✅ Outsider giving birth? ✅ Random mythical story that was told at the beginning of this arc that certainly wasn’t foreshadowing? ✅ If so, it’s possible then that Effie will become a Riverborne in the future so she can stay with her daughter… all through the wish granted at the estuary.


well, at least they are floating above the river instead of in it! I really wonder what kind of craziness is going to come from this baby being born in a nightmare though... nightmare spawn born as an infant Saint? hah, a regular helpless infant is already a disaster, let alone one with the power to transform into powerful beast mode ^-^


In my opinion, it is plausible that the current focus on "Cassie" may be a misdirection, and instead, it is Effie who is in danger of losing her life. The baby could serve as a means for Sunny to cherish the memory of Effie, and he and Nephie could potentially raise the child. It is even possible that Effie might choose to name the baby Doofus, lol.


Alright I’m just trying to rationalize realistic outcomes versus expectations. There is no reason to introduce Effie’s kid, if it ends up riverborn. This is technically not the actual great river but a nightmare. So let’s start from there instead. Being born in a nightmare is being born inside of the spell. Or it’s dimension or whatever space the nightmares take place. We know that you can die in the nightmares and as a sleeper, this kills your body in the waking world as well. In the same way, if one were to be born in the nightmare, then they should be alive for real. No problems there so far. However surviving the 3rd nightmare makes one a saint. That should still apply regardless. So I think, from a story perspective this is a case where Effie will be raising a saint. Now was this all a long play for me to try and argue for “Rasied by wolves” to have a child that had a cute transcendent wolf transformation? Yes. Yes it was.


Kai is getting cooler everyday. I hope Effie and the baby will be alright 🙏


I think G3 accounted for this situation where a living being can go into the ‘locket’ to uncomplicate things.


One thing Sunny should learn about this third nightmare is that Time waits for no one. It is merciless and unforgiving, my boi better rizz changing star and start that yin and yang romance


So... as I understood from another author is the author who adds the characters to the character list, why isn't the rest of the cohort listed? It's something silly... but still!


I’ll take back what I said earlier about baby saint incoming. If the baby survives the nightmare, it’s going to be a hollow best case scenario. When Sunny’s convoy was traveling to Mount Erobus in Antarctica, an old lady who passed her first nightmare still became a hollow because her soul was too weary to form a ”Sleeper core.” The chain of Nightmares was infecting people outside of the usual range. It was never elaborated to my knowledge how young or old we’re talking about. It’s been known that the reason teenagers are the group infected usually is because they’re very resilient. To my knowledge, Mordret is the youngest to be infected and passed his first nightmare. Just forming a sleeper core seem to be a burden outside the usual age group. Now, imagine forming a Trancendent core as an infant. One word, impossible. Nothing so far in the story has even given an ambiguity to the possibility of it. Yes I’m aware Nephis can heal soul but not the absence of one. The likelihood of her Trancendent ability reviving hollow meaning her mom is very unlikely. That sounds more like Sacred or even Divine ability to me. If she can do that as Trancendent, she’ll not only be the most important awakened alive but also the most sought after. The battle of the Black Skull will be an after thought if she’s remotely capable of doing that as a Trancendent. Lastly, the wishing well is a no go in my opinion. That sounds more like the Estuary to me. There’s no way the Demon of Dread has a fantastical place like that in his estuary. If this tomb has taught us anything is that, “be careful of what you wish for” is not to be taken lightly. That’s most likely the direct way to be Corrupted from the source. So brace yourself because tragedy is incoming.


So we know the spell aids dreamers with ascension through nightmares. Cant be a saint without knowledge of your essence and how to use it. So chances are baby won’t be a saint. Possibly riverborn but it isn’t a challenger and it’s repeated over and over that this is an illusion. My thoughts are it’ll be a dreamspawn. Which is arguably worse cause that potentially makes the issue of Aster being a threat a lot closer to home. Mordret too.


See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair


Thank you for the chapter Guiltythree !


We have different definitions of exciting


Wasn't Dusk a baby?


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


the baby is not a riverborn let thing if : all Riverborn are affected by the River if the go Up the travel toi the futur so the age if the go down the become younger that why the have the House of young so that the baby don't âge in the belly of the Mothers. just think about IT. Now the problem is if the baby Will be able to survive if the become a saint??