
Comments of chapter undefined of The Familiar of Zero Alternate

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Hah, Saito was very lucky. If he had been in his own world in the Middle Ages, his head would have been blown off his shoulders long ago. I appreciate and respect the struggle and resistance, but when it is connected with teenage maximalism and idiocy, when a character is saved only by futuristic story armor, it is impossible to have respect for such a character.


He's still naive and innocent in regards to how this world works, but he will soon learn of how violent it actually is and how stupid it was for him to act like that, I wanted Saito to be more resistant to his forced labor situation, but also learn the darker aspects of this world, I'll be using real-life examples of how slaves were punished in the story to make him wake to reality, while also revealing that slavery is a common thing in this world. Thanks to my modifications of the magic system though, Saito won't be so defenseless in the future as he starts to learn how to use his runic name, and the new feature of the runic name system, evolution.


Nice chapter!


Are you still continuing this novel Author?


Thx for chapter