
Reformation Of The Deadbeat Noble Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Reformation of the Deadbeat Noble

    Irene Pareira is a boy who sleeps to run away from reality. People mocked him, calling him a ‘deadbeat’, but he had no wish to change. Until one day, he dreamt of a swordsman… It was a dream about a talentless man who had been training by swinging his sword for decades.

    DaoistPOciYv · Fantasy
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    He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband

    [COMPLETED.] [Side Story released!] [Mature Content.] “That baby is mine, and so are you,” He declared, pointing at Kate’s belly while his deep green eyes gazed at Kate, like a viper ready to strike. Kate couldn’t believe that he– Henry Grant, her new boss eight years younger than her, was the father of her unborn child. “We should be together by default. But I will give you a choice. Go and suffer with your deadbeat husband, or come with me, I will show you the fun you’ve missed.” ===== For the past five years of her marriage, Katherine “Kate” Woods, 32, had always believed she was infertile. She was unable to conceive a child and her deadbeat husband Matt always insulted her for it, calling her a useless woman despite never finding a job himself, forcing Kate to be the sole breadwinner of their family. Yet, he still had the nerve to cheat on her with her own sister! Heartbroken, Kate escaped to her office late at night with four bottles of strong red wine. To her surprise, she wasn’t alone. A handsome young man stood in her office, watching her. He refused to give her his name, but offered to keep her company for the night. With lust and booze coursing through her veins, Kate readily abandoned herself to her basest, most repressed instincts, seducing the nameless but willing visitor. In her drunken stupor, she boldly declared, "If my husband wants to sleep with every woman on earth, then two can play that game." She didn’t care if they did it raw, as she always thought she was barren. Only to find herself staring at a positive pregnancy test a month later. Kate Woods, the supposedly ‘barren woman,’ was pregnant. The stranger had accomplished in one night what Matt could not in five years. - Now that Henry has given her a choice, would Kate leave her deadbeat husband and jump into the sea of uncertainty with this young man? Or would she stay with Matt, her husband who cheated on her for the sake of their families? - Official Commissioned Cover. - Contact me: Instagram: @ForeverPupa -

    ForeverPupa · Urban
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    The Marriage of an Esteemed Supreme Healer, a Noble Ruler

    In her previous life, she was the esteemed princess destined to be worshipped by everyone. However, she ultimately burns herself to death when she is betrayed on the eve of her wedding day! She is reborn into a declining aristocratic family as a loser and forgotten daughter. While she leads a life full of bullying and suffering, the ones who had hurt her before are already enjoying the glory of the world at the top! Once reborn, the phoenix dances to the nine heavens, taming magical beasts, strengthening her force, and dictating life and death of gods and humans as the master healer. To those who betrayed and humiliated her, she swears a hundred-fold return on them for the torture she suffered! … His Highness, Prince Li, is frail and gentle. As the Night King who holds the world in his hands, he gives everything up for the sake of one person. To his only love, he promises her a life with eternal peace and joy. … She thinks her journey would be filled with blood and tears, but she doesn’t know that what awaits her is a long-premeditated lifetime of love and prosperity! One little drama along the way… At first, everyone advised, “Your Highness, the forgotten daughter of the Chu family is unworthy of you!” Later, everyone mocked, “The frail Prince will never be a worthy match to the Princess destined for greatness!” In the end, everyone sighed sorrowfully, “Why? Is she really worth it?” He simply smiled. “I will follow her even if she is in the clouds; if she turns into dust, I will follow suit, too. For her, nothing was bitter in our previous lives; our remaining years will be full of sweetness.

    War Nishino · Fantasy
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    Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

    "I should've at least experienced sex once" Plummeting towards the ground with all his limbs severed, Eren thought, regretting never having experienced the pleasure of the flesh. His life flashed before him at his final movements, remembering him the hardships that he had experienced until now. The movement when he witnessed the ashes left behind by the raging flames that set his homeland ablaze, the movement when his hand was slashed off, the time when he helplessly watched his master sacrificing herself, Eren couldn't help but remember all the sufferings that he had gone through in a world that deemed him unfit for greatness. But despite the constant discouragement from those around him, Eren refused to give up and had desperately held onto his life, mastering the skills needed for his survival. However, fate had other plans for him. 'The weak don't have the right to choose how they die,' Eren remembered the words of a dear friend as he felt helpless in his last movements. But refusing to give in to the plans of fate, he swallowed an artifact knowing nothing about it as he fell towards the depth of the cliff. A fitting end for a Ruined Noble! That's what Eren thought as he fell to his death, but something inside him moved. [ Searching for powers..… ]   – Abyssal greed – – Power and tenacity –   –Talentless persistence – And Eren…. Before he could realize what happened, he was in the body of his younger self. With the Pendragon family still standing and his loved ones alive, he couldn't help but feel like this was his chance to finally challenge fate and rewrite his story. Follow Eren in this tale of regret, redemption and rebirth. ---***---- Update Schedule: 1 chapter per day-> 12 chapters per week Join discord channel for reference images and more -> https://discord.gg/B49NH5v6J9

    Emberlight · Fantasy
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    Villain's Valor: A Noble Fantasy Resurrection

    In a fantasy world shrouded in a veil of mystery and darkness, a sinister threat lurks among the shadows, weaving its plan from the depths of a forgotten past. In a realm where magic and wonder coexist with the persistent presence of an ancient evil, Anthony finds himself immersed in an intricate web of mysteries that seem to intertwine around him. The emergence of this voracious darkness threatens to devour everything in its path, and as Anthony embarks on a desperate quest for truth, he faces moral dilemmas that tear at his soul, betrayals he never imagined, and sacrifices that defy all logic. On his journey, every shadow seems to hide a secret, every step towards the light reveals a new layer of darkness. Who is friend and who is foe in this dangerous game of power and deception? What ancestral forces stir beneath the surface, waiting for their moment to emerge and lay waste to everything in their path? With each discovery, Anthony delves deeper into a maze of intrigue and danger, where the very future of his world hangs by a thread, and the only certainty is that the truth is even more elusive than the shadows that conceal it. --------------------- Show me your support if you enjoy my story! You can help me by giving me your power stones or even giving me gifts with golden tickets, this motivates me to keep writing! Thank you very much for reading my novel! You can also add it to your collection! Write a review! Check out my second book: Twilight of the Immortals! and if you like it, don't hesitate to support it!

    Roseiinthegarden · Fantasy
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    Reborn as a Noble's Son

    Within the city of Four Nine, the most useless illegitimate child among the children of the noble families, Nie Zhenbang, finally succumbed to his worldly burdens and committed suicide. Yet, he was reborn to the moment before he found his father. Will the tragedy repeat itself? Can the infamous trash transform into a household name in the city of Four Nine? After his family has lost its fortune, would Nie Zhenbang allow history to repeat itself in this life? Would the day an illegitimate child took over as the family head arrive?

    Cai Jin · Urban
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    Er stahl mich von meinem Deadbeat-Ehemann

    [Dieses Baby gehört mir, und du auch", erklärte er und zeigte auf Kates Bauch, während seine tiefgrünen Augen Kate wie eine Viper anstarrten, die zum Angriff bereit war. Kate konnte nicht glauben, dass er - Henry Grant, ihr neuer Chef, acht Jahre jünger als sie - der Vater ihres ungeborenen Kindes war. "Wir sollten von vornherein zusammen sein. Aber ich werde dich vor die Wahl stellen. Geh und leide mit deinem Versager-Ehemann, oder komm mit mir und ich zeige dir den Spaß, den du verpasst hast." ===== In den letzten fünf Jahren ihrer Ehe hatte Katherine "Kate" Woods, 32, immer geglaubt, sie sei unfruchtbar. Sie war nicht in der Lage, ein Kind zu zeugen, und ihr unzuverlässiger Ehemann Matt beschimpfte sie immer wieder deswegen. Er nannte sie eine nutzlose Frau, obwohl er selbst nie einen Job gefunden hatte, und zwang Kate dazu, die alleinige Ernährerin der Familie zu sein. Und dann hatte er auch noch die Frechheit, sie mit ihrer eigenen Schwester zu betrügen! Mit gebrochenem Herzen flüchtete Kate spät in der Nacht mit vier Flaschen starken Rotweins in ihr Büro. Zu ihrer Überraschung war sie nicht allein. Ein gut aussehender junger Mann stand in ihrem Büro und beobachtete sie. Er weigerte sich, ihr seinen Namen zu nennen, bot ihr aber an, ihr die Nacht über Gesellschaft zu leisten. Da Lust und Alkohol durch ihre Adern flossen, gab sich Kate bereitwillig ihren niedersten, am meisten unterdrückten Instinkten hin und verführte den namenlosen, aber willigen Besucher. In ihrem Vollrausch erklärte sie kühn: "Wenn mein Mann mit jeder Frau auf der Welt schlafen will, dann können zwei dieses Spiel spielen." Es war ihr egal, ob sie es roh taten, da sie immer dachte, sie sei unfruchtbar. Nur um einen Monat später auf einen positiven Schwangerschaftstest zu starren. Kate Woods, die vermeintlich "unfruchtbare Frau", war schwanger. Der Fremde hatte in einer Nacht geschafft, was Matt in fünf Jahren nicht geschafft hatte. - Nun, da Henry sie vor die Wahl gestellt hat, würde Kate ihren Versager-Ehemann verlassen und sich mit diesem jungen Mann in das Meer der Ungewissheit stürzen? Oder würde sie bei Matt bleiben, ihrem Mann, der sie um ihrer Familien willen betrogen hat?

    ForeverPupa · Urban
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    Awakening of the Ancient: Rise of the Fallen

    Xu Ming was the son of the Prince of Heavens who was supposed to have a peaceful and enriching life, but it all turned upside down when a betrayal happened that took everything from him. What no one knew was that Xu Ming had the bloodline of a sealed ancient god who created the universe. The world filled with gods, demons and immortal cultivators will tremble when the Ancient finally Awakens for his revenge... Warning: Volume 1(Chapter 1 to 60 is an important prologue of the story that sets it up. The main story of Xu Ming starts at volume 2 ________________________________________ Note: Shared Universe with my first novel 'Rise of the Demon God' , so you will get to see some loved characters and fun intersections. You don't need to read both to enjoy either one of the novels though. Release Schedule: 7-14 chapters per week. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instagram: Author_Demonic_angel Buy me a coffee and support me on Ko-fi : https://ko-fi.com/deangel Patreon: Patreon.com/DeAngel Join my discord:https://discord.gg/2AGkydg ___________________________________&____ PS: I don't own the cover artwork. All rights of the cover belong to the Original artist. If you are the artist, you can contact me.

    Demonic_angel · Eastern
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    Reformation of the Deadbeat Noble (Full)

    Airen Parreira is a boy who sleeps to run away from reality. People mocked him, calling him a ‘deadbeat’, but he had no wish to change. Until one day, he dreamt of a swordsman… It was a dream about a talentless man who had been training by swinging his sword for decades.

    Zeom · Fantasy
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    The Rise Of A Tribal Deadbeat

    Zok was the youngest son of the Chieftain of the Zukira tribe. But that was all he had going for him. To everyone else, he was known as the tribal deadbeat. Unlike his father and elder brother, he had no talents whatsoever and spent most of his days sleeping and eating. In a tribe full of great warriors, his existence was frowned upon. No one wanted to associate themselves with him. Until one day a mysterious cave appeared in the Zukira territory. The sudden appearance of such a cave wasn't a surprise as it was a common occurrence. These caves often had weird markings on them according to which the tribesmen classified them into different difficulties. This particular cave, however, was peculiar because it didn't have any markings on it. Thus the tribesmen decided to send in Zok along with a couple of others to go and investigate the cave. Zok was reluctant to do so but was forced by his family and under their pressure, he had to go in. The trio went inside the cave which turned out to be empty. There were no monsters inside, which was peculiar. The only thing inside was a pond filled with acid. Zok went to check the pond out but a moment later, he was pushed inside it. No one knew that the ones accompanying Zok were the ones who would try to kill him. However, instead of dying inside the pool of acid, Zok obtained a newfound power. A power that would forever change his destiny. Follow him on his journey for revenge, in the epic story: The Rise of a Tribal Deadbeat. *** Cover by: Joelin Tan

    AkshatArpit · Fantasy
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    A Noble Daughter's Reprisal

    A Noble's Daughter Betrayed: Eva's Path to Redemption and Revenge! Eva, the sole heiress of the esteemed Arco Viscountcy, had always been groomed to inherit her family's legacy. Devoted to the idea of assuming her rightful position, she dedicated her entire life to preparing for the role. However, societal norms dictated that women must prove their worth through noble accomplishments, and earning a title proved to be an elusive challenge for Eva. Under mounting pressure from her peers, Eva's father succumbs to the influence of other nobles, compelling him to arrange a marriage for his daughter with a complete stranger. As Eva resigns herself to this unfamiliar existence as someone else's wife, a chilling tragedy strikes. Her fiancé, driven by dark motives, mercilessly slaughters Eva's parents, leaving her with a haunting choice. Now faced with a dire ultimatum, Eva stands at a critical crossroads. Should she allow her family's hard-earned legacy to crumble into oblivion, or will she embark on a perilous journey to earn the merits required for both vengeance and the reclamation of her birthright? Follow Eva as she sets forth on a path strewn with challenges, betrayal, and the pursuit of justice. Witness her transformation from a pawn trapped in an unjust system to a formidable force, driven by an unwavering determination to avenge her family's demise and restore honor to their name. Prepare for a gripping tale of sacrifice, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of a noblewoman scorned.A Noble's Daughter Betrayed: Eva's Path to Redemption and Revenge! Eva, the sole heiress of the esteemed Arco Viscountcy, had always been groomed to inherit her family's legacy. Devoted to the idea of assuming her rightful position, she dedicated her entire life to preparing for the role. However, societal norms dictated that women must prove their worth through noble accomplishments, and earning a title proved to be an elusive challenge for Eva. Under mounting pressure from her peers, Eva's father succumbs to the influence of other nobles, compelling him to arrange a marriage for his daughter with a complete stranger. As Eva resigns herself to this unfamiliar existence as someone else's wife, a chilling tragedy strikes. Her fiancé, driven by dark motives, mercilessly slaughters Eva's parents, leaving her with a haunting choice. Now faced with a dire ultimatum, Eva stands at a critical crossroads. Should she allow her family's hard-earned legacy to crumble into oblivion, or will she embark on a perilous journey to earn the merits required for both vengeance and the reclamation of her birthright? Follow Eva as she sets forth on a path strewn with challenges, betrayal, and the pursuit of justice. Witness her transformation from a pawn trapped in an unjust system to a formidable force, driven by an unwavering determination to avenge her family's demise and restore honor to their name. Prepare for a gripping tale of sacrifice, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of a noblewoman scorned. [Special Thanks to RedPandaChick for editing this story for you guys to enjoy!] Discord Link: https://discord.gg/3AgVEvvrbK

    DarkElven6 · Fantasy
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    The Hidden Princess And Seven Nobles

    Ara never thought that she would experience betrayal, she was killed by someone she trusted so much. Thinking she was dead but nothing, she came back to life in a different body and a different world. In a world that is far from modern, slavery and murder are very commonplace. Reviving in a different body did not make her happy, she was faced with two choices between life and death again, became one of the entertainer slaves at a hunting event held once a month by the superior sons of the kingdom, including the crown prince. With her abilities, will she be able to survive in her new world? ___________________________ READ MY OTHER BOOKS? * Rebirth Of The Queen. * Rebirth Of The Goddess * Unexpected Love: One Night With Mr. CEO

    Gloryglory96 · Fantasy
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    Kingdom of the Pearl of the Orient

    In the waning years of Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines, a young boy named Alfonso XIII was proclaimed King of Spain in 1886. However, being just a child, his mother, Queen Maria Christina, ruled as regent in his place. Queen Maria Christina adopted a somewhat lenient policy, granting the Filipinos a degree of freedom while still keeping them as subjects of the Spanish monarchy. As time passed, the Philippines remained under Spanish rule until it was finally passed on to Alfonso, Prince of Asturias, in 1920. But Alfonso, wise beyond his years, saw the plight of the Filipino people and understood their deep desire for independence in their hearts. He made a momentous decision – renouncing his claim to the Spanish throne and requesting to govern the Philippines instead. Surprisingly, the Spanish monarch agreed to this arrangement, and Alfonso was given the unique responsibility of managing the Philippines as a separate entity. But unknown to everyone, the original Alfonso, Prince of Asturias, died due to drowning accident and was replaced by Miguel Reyes. In a world reminiscent of the early twentieth century but with a twist, Miguel Reyes, a brilliant scientist,engineer, military enthusiast, and businessman from the Philippines, found himself in a strange predicament. After a fatal car accident in 2023, Miguel was granted an extraordinary second chance at life. He awakened to find his soul inexplicably reincarnated into the body of a prince in a distant land. Confused and disoriented at first, Miguel soon discovered that he was inhabiting none other than the young Alfonso, Prince of Asturias, decades before his untimely death. Realizing the significance of this opportunity, Miguel knew he had to act wisely. He had lived a life devoted to knowledge and progress, and now he found himself in a pivotal position to change history for the better. Armed with the knowledge of Alfonso's fate and aware of the impending struggles faced by the Philippines, Miguel resolved to take a different path. Join Alfonso (Miguel Reyes) on a life-changing experience. Will Miguel Reyes find tranquility in his second life as he governs the nation and steers it towards greatness? Or will he face the shadow of a conspiracy lurking within the borders?

    Moonlights_18 · Realistic
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    The Noble Lady Gives Birth to My Child in Secret

    The born-rich miss secretly gave birth to a daughter for me. She didn't want to admit it because she didn't want to be humiliated. Amid her family's scornful eyes, she thought I was just a poor boy. What do I do now? It seemed that I could only let them see some of my strength. I sighed and waved my hand, and one of the four bank presidents came up with a nod and a bow. I whispered in her ear, "Buy all the cooperative properties of her family and give them to my lovely miss."

    Tomorrows · Urban
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    The Servant Of The Empire

    Adnan is a slave. His wish is to be purchased by a master that won't mistreat him. On the day he was being sold, a mysterious man showed up at the shop demanding an untouched slave. As the only virgin slave in the shop, he was given to the dangerous-looking man. Before Adnan could process what was going on, he was transported to the palace. The man gave him clear instructions about his duties there. Serve the king and Queen's every desire without complaint. With the weight of the task on his shoulders, how will a lowly slave keep up with the desires of the rulers of the empire?

    precious_pruddy · LGBT+
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    Adoptee: Runaway Noble, Adopter: Mad Scientist

    Fleeing a noble house, illegitimate daughter Tiffaney runs away to a place where no noble can reach her. Limited in her available options she decides to brave the most forsaken land in the whole empire, the villainous house of Dyne. Hoping for asylum, she finds herself swept up by the current head of house Lady Dyne, Mad Scientist. Adopted as heir, how will a girl survive her new insane mother, living in a deadly deathtrap of a home?

    Quinnmare · Fantasy
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    Summoned In a Noble's Body

    Reincarnated in the body of the Young Lord of one of the most prominent noble families of the Ascar Empire. In the World filled with Fantasy, Magical Beasts, Demi-Humans, Kingdoms, Empires and the unknown where only the powerful prevail, Karna who was an orphan on earth must gain power and influence to protect and cherish his new family and the second chance he got. Money, Status, and Love. He could have all that he always desired. But Karna doesn't know that his new life will not be as simple as he had first thought it to be, for he is unaware of the reason for his arrival in the new world. What secrets will be unveiled before him? Has Karna really been blessed with a second chance? Can Karna finally be able to protect what is his? Will Karna get the happy ending he has always dreamt of? NOTE - I do not own the novel cover. credit goes to - •GIA• On Pinterest

    Devesh_Kulkarni · Fantasy
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    The End of The Death

    Kematian itu ditentang oleh Yuuto seorang pria berambut dan bermata hitam itu. Karena ia masih ingin hidup. Sayang keadaannya saat itu sudah menjadi roh dan hidup di alam lain. Hatinya memberontak, memprotes kematian tersebut, sehingga berulang kali rohnya mencoba masuk ke dalam raganya kembali, namun tidak pernah berhasil. Bahkan ia sempat menangis pada saat jenazahnya dimasukkan ke liang kubur, lalu ditimbun dengan tanah dan jadilah sebuah makam yang tidak dikehendaki. Pada saat menjadi roh, ia baru tahu bahwa ada gadis yang selama ini memusuhinya, namun ikut menangisi kematiannya. Ternyata gadis itu menyimpan cinta. Makin besar semangat Yuuto untuk bisa hidup kembali, untuk dapat meraih cinta yang ada di alam kehidupan itu, tapi bagaimana caranya ia sendiri tidak tahu. Sampai akhirnya, ia bersedia mengikat perjanjian dengan iblis, asalkan ia bisa hidup untuk cinta itu. Sayang, ia hanya mempunyai kontrak hidup satu tahun. Genre : Horor, Thriller, Romance, Reincarnation, and Action Novel lain: - You're My Love (Romance&Comedy) - Cinta dan Pengorbanan (Romance&Sad) - Only You in My World (Romance) Ig @julianatham Ig fanspage @staryinthesky

    Staryinthesky · Horror
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    A Top Assassin Reincarnates as a Noble

    #JAPANESEFANTASY #HERO From close-quarter combat to shooting, medicine, and even hacking, there was nothing that he couldn’t do. Luo Chen, also known as Extreme Night, was the best spy in the world. However, after he successfully completed his last mission, he was unexpectedly disposed of by his organization. With the goddess’s interference, he was reborn with his past memories into a fantasy world as the son of a noble family with a new goal——defeat the Demon King. He began collecting talents since he was still a baby and trained in assassination techniques from the age of three. When he was 10 years old, he left home to learn magic in an academy. Many years passed. Using the technology and knowledge he had from his previous life and the strongest talents and magic in the new world, he befriended the most powerful people in the world and formed a party. When they invaded the Demon territory, the Demon King panicked.

    Moon Night · Fantasy
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    Reincarnated as a Deadbeat Dad

    I was hit by a truck and died. Then I met a goddess. I thought she would send me to a fantasy world to learn magic. Instead, she transmigrated me to a parallel universe very similar to Earth. Now I have a wife and two children, I have to work hard to give them a good life. Oh, did I ever tell you that I was sent to a 3rd world country in 1999?

    pujimaki · Realistic