
Comments of chapter undefined of Naruto: The teacher system


you should have a set up chapter before plunging into sanada is suspected, a chapter for the third guilt dealing with his student and his teacher disappointment, we should get into his mindset first. then open the next chapter with conflict between the third guilt and Danzo with how to deal with Sanada sudden power upgrade. the next chapter then should be dealing with Sanada thought and reflecting what he should and shouldn't do, a conflict of his mind between following canon when convention to him or doing what right even if canon is no more. and while Naruto and Jiraiya retrieve tsunade if you follow it, make a relaxing chapter flesh out the main character with interaction with other jonin sensei. personally your story is very fast paced which is not wrong but the story felt it has no set up and just happen to me at least, also instead showing the system you could make it as a passing.


This story is bad as this is going, what is infuriating is mc character here. He knows everything about future but he still not cautious and stupid. Ninga are nothing but tools in the eyes of higher people, when you have higher power than them this is what happens.


are these old fossils stupid outside of danzo he can just get rid of all of them. make a kage level ninja in your village betray you guys it would not be the village hidden in the leaves


Navy Six Style would be a good addition in skillsets to help build an even stronger physical body. All his disciple can benefit from it, and could definitely help the village.


That reaction was so beta..


Hmm... I think you should make Sanada more competent and fierce.


all he need is use as excuse that he was thinking of creating his unique jutsu since long time and around the time he was assigned a team he successful created them and even as jonin sensei he didn't stop training and perfecting his new jutsu. but in the first place be suspected to collaborate with a missing ninja only because he have a power up is absurd itself as all ninja should try improve their strength and all more aburd as he seriussy injured Orichimaru if they were on the same side he wouldn't done that. i think he should say all bad think Danzo on civilian cuncil did plus that the ninja that informed him to come wasn't an ambu, but a member of Root that should be disbanded after the uchiha massacre and with Jiraya and Shikaku take the old fossils to prison it will be easy to win this 3 vs 3

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For everyone in the comment section here, please comment on what you think is wrong about the chapters or some suggestions for the stories here. Tomorrow I will be uploading only one chapter, as I want to use tomorrow to edit or change some parts that you guys think should be changed ^_^.


Technically speaking, Konoha is in a state of emergency meaning military ranking are paramount, the current commanding Officers are Jiraiya due to his position, Nara Shikaku as Anbu Commander and Kakashi as Jonin Commander, the advisory council should have no authority right now. Thanks for the Chapter.


if i will be reincarnated in other world, then to be honest i dont know what to do... killing people.. i dont know... but this story made me want to reincarnate and kill those old foggies.. just saying though.. hahha.. nice story by the way.. i expect a lot from you author sensie


He should be like why are the civilian council members here isn't shinobi matter only discuss with the clan heads and the homage so Danzo and the other 2 shouldn't be here that's the first, 2nd didn't the 3rd Hokage demolish the root so why is it that they are still active is he trying to rebel and 3rd if I was working with Orochimaru I doubt he would let me get that strong enough to beat him and force him to run away and 4th why can't I get stronger?? all the techniques are unique to only me if you can find someone who can do the same and I haven't taught them then come forward or at least tell me there name and 5th for you to come to me to ask such a stupid question I need to think what type of management you guys are doing.


They should kneel and be grateful to him, because he lessen the casualties and death of the military, instead all they do is b***h and m***n about this and that, while mc is to polite to do anything about it, he's not even angry, cause of them his parents are dead, I'm impressed with his niceness, it might equal the plot armor's and talk no jutsu of narujesus and bichigo 🤣


The edited chapter is way much better, great work.


thanks for the edit author.. it's much better compared to before


Unfortunate the autor is focusing on the cannon part but not addeding more from the system interaction with the alumni, Like he should tell Sasuke about orochimaru using his dad's to fight him and teaching him more about caring and trusting the people who help him than Orochimaru smthng like that...






Those ungrateful old fossils! Why aren't they dead yet!


gracias por el capitulo