
Comments of chapter undefined of Under the Oak Tree


I feel bad for Maxi thinking she hasn't shown her devotion to the man. Maxi, honey, you threw yourself into the duties of a Lady of the estate, started learning healing and magic to make yourself even more useful, and then saved him from losing his land by going to Nornui. It's not your fault, Maxi, that he's a man of his time and sees a wife as little more than a pet/sex partner. He's the one who needs to learn to love you as the capable woman you are, not some feeble woman who needs to be kept safely in the bedchamber till he has time for you.


i wholeheartedly agree

boorenna:if that’s all he saw her as, he wouldn’t have let her keep learning magic, join the campaign to livadon, or leave for the WT. he even relieved her of her role of producing an heir. he’s given her a lot of freedom than is the norm, he’s quite liberal for this era. the fact that she can get angry, argue, and throw things at him without fear of retaliation shows that too. married to just about any other nobleman that behavior would get her smacked upside the head. he knows very well she’s talented, but magic doesn’t make her invincible (i mean he’s almost seen her die several times now). same reason she worries for him, she knows he’s a great knight, but he’s still human

So many people saying why can't she be like the old Maxi and not be so stubborn...I find it a little problematic. She has been coming into herself and her growth is of course going to be at odds with Riftan's idealized perception of her as a thing to protect/shield from the world. She was docile back then bc it was a literal trauma response. She's the one that's been moving the needle to them being equals and I for one am here for it. They both have trauma and the slow burn growth is realistic and masterfully written.


Ugh. I feel like I am not getting enough story for the amount of time I have to wait for each chapter :/


I’m selling a kidney here to be able to read the chapters in advance to get to a point where Maxi and riftan communicate a little. But I feel like the chapters are getting shorter and shorter and nothing happens. And waiting 3 days for a chapter that short? I’m really getting frustrated


These chapters are way too short and honestly, you need to do a better job Webnovel and release larger batches. Where is the customer experience love??


Too. SHORT!!!!!!!!!


Peops slaying maxi in comments to this chapter are cruel… Like you won’t act like her were you’ve been in her stead… with the life she has with the trauma and everything… At least be grateful she’s realising some things about her relationship with riftan… but it’s hard to mend a relationship when you don’t know how the other one feel et perceive their relationship issues… They need time together alone to be able to communicate (verbally and physically) and mend things… but they gonna have to wait after this war. So I hope maxi gonna give her string to riftan and let him know she care and wanna patch things up…


I feel like Riftan resents her just as much as he loves her for her not remembering their past together and the small big things. And I am sure she doesn’t mean to but the years of abuse, dang that can mess up a person. These 2 are imperfectly perfect for each other.


this whole chapter had me like


And we’ve arrived at some Feelings Heavy Chapters!


Communication between these two is so hard at the moment, Riftan is so hurt that he cannot see Maxie will always love him


Why didn’t she tell him right then and there that she knew deep down that things would always be okay with them if she did leave?! Ugh this is so frustrating! She should have told him that she knew he did not mean it when he said he will not wait! There is no way she would have left if she thought for a second he would have not waited. Also, Riftan needs to understand if she believed him why would she keep writing him letters? Like wth dude! She has been trying to mend the rift between them this whole time! Get it together people!


Finally a good, feelings rich chapter. Now to not lose my mind waiting so long for the next one


Oh Maxi girl, you really been digging your own grave on this one. He has showered you with affection, sacrifice, love... But all you've really done was doubt it and throw “I'm not a child” or “I can do things own my own” fits. If he wasn't a man of honor there’d be baby Calypses EVERYWHERE. But he loves you; hope you snap out of it and you start being the old Maxi he loved.


Like you carried the coin out of habit?


Ok this time I want to shake Maxi so hard that her head would fall off. Girl, why didn't you respond to Riftan??? Just a simple response and not leave him hanging 😭😭😭 some one knock their heads please!


This whole chapter tears my heart into pieces.


Too short 😞


and now we wait... again.at least this chapter is not too disappointing.


I do enjoy the whole narration of the impending war. It makes this story more alive. But at the same time, I do wish more narratives be given to have Riftan and Maxi to work things out between them. But I guess, the writer wants us to immerse in the big picture of seeing how the two of them are as individuals and then, only then to understand why the other person is behaving and approach things in such a way from their perspectives. These though...made me pull hairs in frustration on how bad Riftan and Maxi is communicating with each other 😫 You're good at this, dear Suji..for playing with my emotion while I'm reading this