
Comments of chapter undefined of Under the Oak Tree


this is me, haha Maxi finally snapped good for her.


Finally this chapter is released. One of my favourite moments of the beginning of Book 2. The thought of Maxi throwing things at Riftan is kinda funny but I don’t recommend throwing things at your partner. Maxi was driven to the point from Riftan’s cold shoulder, icy looks and hurtful words. Though next chapter is definitely gonna be interesting.


YES!!! THAT WAS EXACTLY THE RIGHT REACTION!!! Tell at him Maxi make him acknowledge you!!


Riftan is a beast, no creature can hurt him. He considers that monster child play. He even calls a dragon the deadliest creature to live in this world a lizard and finishes all monster with ease. If only Maxi could understand just how great a knight Riftan is the strongest knight in the world. And Riftan to understand how much progress Maxi has gone through to become a talented mage.


I am glad that they're finally going to have this long awaited heart to heart talk!!!! Let's hear it!!!!! 🙉 DEAR AUTHOR, it would be better if you release at least 2 or 3 chapters since your updates only happen every 3 days. 😕


can't wait to hear their conversation even if it's obviously hostile. if they end up not talking in the next chapter I might go crazy.


Nobody wins when people have to stuff down their feelings until they erupt. I have a feeling this will be one of those one step forward, two steps backward type of situations. At least the mental image of Maxi throwing projectiles at Rifty made me feel a little better 🤭


Yusss time for some Real Talk (tm)


So not related to the chapter but we FINALLY got the official artwork for Agnes in Manta!!!


Wow. A quick PSA that I’m about to offer a few unpopular opinions. If you’re easily offended, please feel free to disregard. So I need to process this: if I’m understanding the story to this point correctly, in an effort to ”save” Riftan from her father’s evil plans, Maxi chose to leave Riftan for three years and become a mage at Nornui. By her own admission, she turned her back on Riftan and took her leave right after he bared his soul to her, and yet Maxi is the one who resents that Riftan didn’t understand *her* leaving. And ALL this time that she hates Riftan treating her like she’s fragile and powerless, and wanting instead for Riftan to acknowledge her skills - even after Riftan from the very, very beginning has told her he wants nothing more than for her to be safe because she is all he has - still. Maxi has absolutely no problem treating Riftan like he’s the reckless, unskilled, fragile fool, and now he’s petty, an idiot, and narrow-minded to boot, because he doesn’t “consider” all she’s done for him. Wow. Am I the only reader who feels that Maxi needs to figure out all this projecting she’s doing? Because if she doesn’t, then this relationship is doomed in exactly the way Rosetta called it. Never mind Maxi’s tantrum is compromising EVERYONE’S safety in an already precarious campaign endeavor. Sure, it’s noble to be compassionate and concerned about others, but Anette and Riftan are correct: if Maxi has time to doubt everybody else’s safety and ability to take care of themselves, she’s better served by minding herself first. Some self-awareness please, Maxi, and some consideration for others too. You’re not the only skilled participant on this campaign. I hope we are at the point in the story where Riftan AND Maxi are accountable for their parts in this clusterf*** of a situation. And I get that without the drama we wouldn’t have the story we have now, so I can’t wait to read on. Things are getting very interesting indeed. 😏


Y’all I just did the math and if they only update every 3 days, this book isn’t gonna be finished until the end of September. 😩 Google says book 2 is 106 chapters, minus the 34 they’ve already released, which gets you 72 chapters. 72x3 =216 days, which from now is the end of September 2023. (Let me know if my math is wrong. I’m very bad at math but I am motivated to do it for UTOT, the only book I read on this stupid, overpriced app.)


gah. waiting for the next chapter is going to be the death of me. The fabulous Ruth can do no wrong. 1


Oh this is it hopefully they can talk…. Good for you Maxi it’s about time Riftan started acting like an adult and not a petty child


Thank god they’re Finally going to talk 😭❤️🙌🏼 I wish I could read more now 🤣 I’ll do my best to be patient.


I hope Ruth can cast a shield around Riftan and Maxi so that they don't scandalized the whole party 😆


Let the heart wrenching heart to heart confession begin and hopefully snusnu time after 🙊


Well, well, well. How easy it is when we C.O.M.M.U.N.I.C.A.T.E.


Yess I’ve been anticipating this chapter for months since someone referenced it on Reddit. Definitely better than I expected. And even though I know the next chapter is going to be heartbreaking I do love when riftan opens up to her, so I hope we get a good nice dialogue before something interrupts them as always.


Fun fact: The pinecone that Maxi threw on Riftan he keeps them preciously.


HELLLLLLLL YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!! Finally time for them to talk!!! I hope they can get all their feelings out & communicate with each other!!!!


😩 F I N A L L Y!!! Riftan & Maxi are gonna talk. 🙇 Thank You Author for not dragging this on for another chapter. I was at my whits end.